    what happens when doctors write to many perscriptions

    +3  Views: 862 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Pharmaceutical companies make big bucks!

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    We have fairly strict laws, doctors are for the most part responsible, and monitored for "over prescribing" my own doctor has to get government permission to prescribe any heavy duty medication, things have changed here over recent years and the days of doctors handing over whatever requested are gone, the medication now needs to be justified


    Thats the way it schould be in the US. Too many people get hooked on prescription drugs.

    That happened here too,possibly still does,but they have come down pretty hard on scheduled medication

    The drug companies get richer while the patients who say "yes" to taking all of them, end up with chronic illnesses, as a direct result of too many prescriptions.  I wish that doctors would suggest a natural remedy FIRST, such as eating properly and exercising and quitting smoking and perhaps losing 100 pounds. That might help and there are no bad side effects.

    Most doctors are influenced by big pharmacutical marketing.and write prescriptions in exess of what is actually needed. There schould be a national database about every physician writing prescription drugs, More people die from prescription drugs and medical mistakes, than from accidents, murder,surecides and illegal drugs every year. Pharmacutical drugs always only treat the symtons and not the cause. Alternative medicine is 100% safer.


    Yes...yes...yes. And medical doctors (in my experience) are still scoffing at "alternative medicine" instead of studying it for themselves or listening to their patients! It seems as though it is just easier to grab that prescription pad. No wonder they get accused of kick backs from the pharmacutical companies.

    Alternative medicine practicioners are not allowed to document theire sucesses, thanks to to the powerful pharmacutical companies who spend billions of dollars, lobbying our government. Physicians like to precribe drugs, they make more money that way. There is no concern for the patient when it comes to money.

    Agreed...MDs still sometimes refer to the results they hear from patients about their improved health (after visiting and being treated by,for example, an ND), as anecdotal.

    They immediately go out to buy fancier cars and bigger houses.

    They get flagged, not much else. A possible review.....

    I don’t think a particular thing happens when doctors reach a certain number of written prescriptions. Some kinds of doctors write many prescriptions due to their apprenticeship, such as psychiatrists.

    My dad had a doctor who would prescribe something for him whenever he went in with a problem.  The doctor didn't ever try to figure out WHAT was wrong and how to CURE his problems, just gave him crap to cover up the symptoms. 
    Soon, my dad was taking nearly a dozen different things (this included his BP, diabetes and cholesterol meds) and was walking around dizzy, disoriented, and nearly nonfunctional. This guy owned a business and needed to be alert and sharp.
    I called the pharmacy and inquired about the plethora of drugs, finding out that many of them were not compatible with each other.  (Why the pharmacist wasn't on top of the RX load bothers me to this day).
    Next I called the doctor and questioned him about his choices in treating my dad with all that different stuff.  He tried to answer my questions, but as soon as he realized how deep the water was (and it took him awhile), he refused to talk to me and promptly hung up.
    We got my dad to a 'real' doctor, and he was prescribed the medications he needed and treated for the ailments rather than the symptoms of his other issues.
    SO, to answer you question, a doctor prescribing too much TO AN INDIVIDUAL PATIENT could be responsible for the death of that patient.  (Think Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, etc.) 


    Did you hear this one...Well, he's not young anymore you know? Grrrrrrrr...

    I wanted to report him to the AMA. My BFF was just telling me her 29 year old son had a falling out with HIS doctor a few years ago when he refused to get a shot with meds he was allergic to and the doctor yelled at him. Guess it's not just some people HERE who think they are above reproach.
    I personally think age should NEVER be an issue in medical care (ie too old).

    Agreed. My father's doctor always said, "Well, he IS 86."

    He IS 86 and he should be given your very best effort as though he were 68, or 34, or 17, or 8 1/2, or 4, or 2, or a newborn, or an unborn fetus.
    I meant what I said and I said what I meant
    A person's a person, no matter how old.

    I refused medication was the doc hot under the collar- until the CDC backed my decision.

    doo...I regularly refuse prescriptions and suggest to my health care provider, that I'll try natural remedies first! She rolls her eyes and at my next visit, she doesn't even ask. She seems to have a strong belief that meds are the answer, always. I've seen too many people walking around in a "drug stupor", so I don't agree with her and I'm doing okay, so far.

    Actually, Bob, Older folks have more complications from medications! They get more side effects, experience more drug-drug interactions, and have more difficulty with dosage problems! ANY worthy Doctor should be aware of that! ( I believe the saying goes "Under 16 and over 65- be careful of the meds you prescribe" least that is what I remember learning!!!)

    Doo, that is a very good saying! My mom is so careful about NOT taking everything the doctor tosses her way. She is probably one of the most UNDERmedicated oldsters you'll find. I hope to keep my RX count on one hand during my lifetime. :D

    He gets promoted to be a lobbyist in Washington D.C. for pharmaceutical companies.


    If the patient dies the doctor can go to prison, you have to be able to prove he was at fault.  He can lose his license for 6-12 months. It's very hard to go after a doctor. In the USA they are treated like God's.


    I think that they are treated like gods everywhere.

    ....and there are too many who are incompetent

    I know, my friend sued the doctor for destroying her newborn daughter causing severe brain damage, she proved he was 99% responsible. She got 25 million dollars. He still practices today. He was sued several times for stupid things killing young women and babies! It's insane.

    How on earth can this charlatan get malpractice insurance? Who would go to him?

    His biggest victims are the ones most doctors turn away. The poor, mostly medicate.

    LISTEN UP PEOPLE:  Medical Doctors are humans who went to Medical School.  That's it.

    If you question your accountant, auto mechanic, waiter/waitress, plumber, kid's teacher, the why in the world wouldn't you question your doctor?????

    Human's make mistakes.  They get 'too busy' to keep up with all of the new information in their field. They want the 'noisy' people to quiet down, the angry ones to calm down, and the snivvelers to stop snivveling.  (If a pill or 10 different ones works they'll keep prescribing).

    It's hard work being a patient- we all want to feel better (AMEN) and we want to be able to trust that the MD has our best interest in mind.  Though I think many MD's think they are doing what's best for us it's OK to ask questions and it's OK to say NO, or I'd like more info. first!!!!!!



    My firstborn was 2 months premature and was in NICU for nearly a month with some serious breathing problems.
    A year later, at the same point in my second pregnancy, I went for my 7 month doctor visit. Just a conversational visit, and I was told to continue as I was. I reminded the doctor that a year earlier, I'd had a preemie. Had I not reminded him of something I felt he should have known, he wouldn't have done a more intensive examination and discovered my cervix had already begun dilating. Medication and bed rest delayed my next baby's birth for 7 weeks, and my healthy baby went home with me the very next day. We have to be proactive with our health care. Doctors have hundreds of's our responsibility to speak up. ALWAYS.

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