    My 16-year old Lhasa Apso (a breed of dog with long hair) has been pooping the soft to slightly liquid variety 3-4 times a day inside the house. Any thoughts on this?

    +1  Views: 694 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    I'm thinkin' you must have a pretty crappy situation going on there Chiangmai! Perhaps a trip to the vet as I am not a vegetarian (or a veterinarian for that matter) or you could google the question onto the conduit search bar and...oh what the, let me do that for you...but I am not responsible etc. etc. etc.....>>>>


    These disclaimers make me chuckle. ;)

    I'm glad!! I'm chuckling as I proceed!! I'm not on my reg. comp. and my daughter's right...this one is prehistoric!!! Maaarrrrr! ;)

    I'm gonna be diclaimering all over the place. I'm not a Ford authorized technician so do not believe me when I tell you how to raise the hood on your truck......I am not a qualified t-mobile professional tech or agent so I can not legally tell you how to purchase a phone or contract through t-mobile. I am not a licensed dietitian so I can not tell you that eating fruits and veggies and less fatty foods with help you to loss wait....sigh, my typing will be doubled because of these disclaimers I now have to add. Might be easier to just quit answering questions here like Richard did just to make sure no one can sue me. Maybe I'll be just like him and open questions and tell people how they can and can not answer MY questions. Sounds like more fun than actually helping people looking for answers :)

    Fun??? If you call narcissisticly inclined utopian disorder fun...well...fill your boots.
    Now...can you please hand over the real Colleen!! Bwaha!? ;D

    Ya know, "someone" told the admin I should not be a moderator here because I am a bad one and too "emotional". I'm actually thinking of quitting just so I can be more free with what I say here. As a mod there are certain things I should not say. As a member, freedom of speech gives me the right to say them. I just might become a regular ol' member and really have some fun, just like "someone" else here does!

    Was that the sound of scissor snips cutting the ribbon?? Hahaha! That would be alot of fun! ;)

    Since we're not veterinarians, you will not sue us if we give our opinionated advice will you? Just need to cover akaQA since a member here has warned we know nothing and can be sued because of it. ;)


    When was the last time she was wormed?

    Probably a few years ago, say 5.

    btw, don't worry about the "other" member getting excited over lawsuits. His wife probably threatens to sue him when he forgets to lift or put down the toilet seat at home.

    Have her stool tested. You can get a sample by using a plastic baggie (turn inside out, put it over your hand like a glove. Pick up a small sample for the top, a bit that has not touched the floor) pull the baggie right side out, and seal it. Drop it off at the vet's to be tested for worms. Approve a test if they feel that on visual inspection of the sample, it could be something else.

    I'm really not worried about him. ;)

    Thanks, Colleen.

    You're welcome and good luck. It could be also that she is older and just not digesting her food well. Maybe boiled white rice with chicken pieces will help.

    You guys just cracked me up! Chiangmai says about the other guys wife threatens to sue him- then Colleen says get her stool checked! Who the wife? ROFLMAO!

    I was referring to another member who's extremely uptight with every word (except his) expressed by the rest of us. This mellowing maniac would probably get sued by his own wife if he fails to comply to her wishes. Don't take it out on us, dude.

    He posted that while I was still typing. His dog's stool, not his wife's. I'm sure she's fine but then again I am not a qualified professional so I can not accurately determine if his wife if fine :)

    Umm, excuse me Chiangmai but are you a qualified professional? Do you have the qualifications to call this member (though un-named) a mellowing maniac? You may need to add a disclaimer :)

    I stand corrected. Due to my lack of credentials, the phrase shall hereby be changed to:

    A constipated mellowing maniac.


    I think it works. To the random questioner of this site, they could conclude that you are speaking about a dog or even a lion. It is a veterinarian type question and veterinarians do deal with animals. :)

    I know who or what you were talking about! It just seemed extremely funny!

    Please don't sue me Chaiang but your dog has diahorrea. This is a laymans opinion & not a professional diagnosis.It seems I started all of this BS & someone else took it to the enth degree.

    But about the Dog.... Don't give him milk,make sure he is not digging up food that he has buried.No chocolate or sweet treats.At 16 years he is getting a bit long in the tooth so you can expect a few irregularities.

    Keep him hydrated.Plenty of fresh water.

    Hope he feels better soon.


    I hope this is just a temporary phase for our dog.

    If anything happens to my dog, I'll see you in court, Tommyh.

    Just kidding.

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