    What do you do if you want to ask a question & you suspect it’s been asked before?

    The question might be do men prefer brunettes or blonds. (That might be a frequently asked question?)

    +6  Views: 757 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    TRY IT AND SEE!! can only be shot down at the worst!!:-)


    itsmee wouldn't be shot down; it's not like she's asking how to make her penis bigger!

    HA HA. HA HA HA!!

    It's a frightening thought, I know, but don't worry too much itsmee.  The worst that can happen is that we call the "question police" and you go to prison for a few years.


    I really did laugh out loud at this, Ducky!!! :D

    Well, don't laugh too hard Dardaigh...that goes for you too! lol

    : )) Ducky is clinking her cuff links

    Isn't Doo one of the question police? You might want to start kissing up to Doo, itsmee.

    Doo is a sweetie. He eats outta the palm of my hand.

    If you are new, or do not frequently use this site you wouldn't know, so as millie has said just give it a shot

    I don't ask very many questions but last week I did say "please don't clobber me if this has already been asked", on my question about listening to newer country music.


    I've been on akaqa since the very beginning, but I don't know the answer. I do know that I've seen questions asked multiple times but the answers are always fresh and new people are acquainted with them.

    I'll be looking for your question about newer country music.

    Must have been lots of fun, being here when the place first opened, Itsmee.

    Did they have you painting walls or were you on the coffee run? lol :)

    I was in charge of morning donuts.

    Don't worry about it , there have been the same question asked at least 2 or 3 times,  even regulars are guilty of that, who care's. -- Itsmee you should be wary of that.

    You can always try the "search" bar first and see if something pops up. If you can't find it, go ahead and ask.  Realize, too, that, even if the question has been asked before, the people answering it NOW could be a vastly different group of members.  
    In your "inside" question, I would change it up and say, "Does the color of a woman's hair influence your initial physical attraction you pay to her, and, if so, what (natural) color hair do you find first catches your eye ?   Hopefully you would avoid answers that are silly, like "striped" orange and green and get something realistic. 


    Bob, I tried the Button several times, still nothing POPPING-UP??? LOL

    I tried several variations of the question itsmee wants to ask and came up empty-handed as well.
    hector: tell itsmee; my personal studies conclude I get more attention with lighter colored hair than dark.

    OK ... I saw that. I get more attention with frosted hair. When my hair goes dark my head feels heavy.

    As the Bullet stated there's been multiple asked ?'s, like SEX, How BIG, etc., I've seen more of these ques. in past 6 mos. than, I've seen in my other 20 yrs..  So to answer the inside question, I Like BOTH plus (Red, Blonde, brunettes), I'm not choosy, when the lights are out they all look alike.


    Oi! Tsk, tsk.

    I wondered who would answer the "test question" Thanks for the laugh, dad59 (Hmmmmm. I'm not sure I like to call you dad when answering that question) tsk. : D

    My housemate states flat out that he like dark haired, dark eyed woman. He thinks blond are boring......(I'm blond as long as the dye last.....)..........

    The last time that I heard a male being emphatic about requiring a certain hair color on a woman, he was about 22 years old.  Oh yes and one "really old one" on this site, who prefers brunette hair on his pretty, young women.  Many men actually like a woman who can carry on a conversation with them and enjoy the same interests.  In that case, hair color would likely be irrelevant.


    Meant as TU's.

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