    "The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any. How?

    0  Views: 709 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    No not NO money!..A bit drastic..but so many kids are so spoiled these days..they just click their fingers and the latest ipod/iphone designer clothes(Which THEY OUTGROW IN 3 months)!!..APPEAR!!..I think as parents it is our responsibility to teach them the value of money..and budgeting..or many are in for a shock as adults.We mainly had to save our pocket money(In the dark ages..ok)!:-)...But still I appreciate things so much more if I`VE HAD TO WORK OR SAVE for it)!!...We are not helping our kids learn about life,money etc..if we hand them everything on a plate!!:-¬

    Perhaps an overstatement, but children need to learn the family purse is not a bottomless pit, that money comes from hard work and is earned, not a right, they need to know about the basic barter system, there is nothing for nothing, an allowance is a privilege, needs to be earned not just handed out. I wish some young people here on our unemployment benefit had been taught these things,I resent working at my age to support people that for no reason choose not to work or contribute to  society in any way, the rest of us just keep on working and pay our taxes to support them

    Money talks mine says nothing nor do my kids when i have none..

    They learn about saving for what is needed most.  Wants and needs, there is a difference.........

    When my children grew up, there were no Iphones or computers. They all had little jobs, like bringing groceries to the elderly on our street, raking theire lawn.  they saved theire money. I see the difference with my grandchildren. They get things without helping out and they certainly dont rake anyones lawn. It is the generation of entitlement.


    very true ANN...SADLY GONE ARE THOSE DAYS!!...I think it was SO much better then..and we took care of our belongings!...i think we appreciated things far more!!(i`m sounding older by the second!LOL);-)

    That is so true. I took care of my things and if I wanted something, I had to earn it. Sad, those days are gone. You are not old, but wiser.

    How you don't work , live in a gutter and then your children will appreciate money , homes and all the things they never had :)))


    They'll all go on the dole queue to appreciate someone els's money.
    Deleted User

    Yeah or that but they need a home address to do that :)

    agreed eggy,too many long term professional dole bludgers
    Deleted User

    But if you live in the gutter you do not have an address so you get maybe a meal from a sally's twice a day.. LOL

    For kids to learn, I believe they should be offered different options and have them decide for themselves what's best for them.   For our children, we offered to give them a house if  they would live at home and attend University of Hawaii, a local college.  They rejected our offer and opted to go to college on the mainland.  Since money was and is a scarce resource, they must understand that they couldn't have it both ways, house or education overseas.  Bear in mind that the total cost of their education roughly equaled the cost of one house.  Our youngest is now 6 credit hours shy of graduating.  I feel all three children made the right and best choice for themselves.  As for us, we are putting said house on the market and my wife and I are both looking forward to retiring shortly.  My point is that, in our case, the value of money is in the kids' education overseas.


    Retirement is'll love it! :)

    They need to learn to save and then buy...and pay...don't charge!  Sadly, so many young people are living on credit cards that I don't see them ever becoming debt free.  What a way to live!  I couldn't sleep at night.

    Some kids earn more money legally than their parents but if they are not legally protected from their parents greed or stupidity, it is all taken from them. I knew kids who hid money from their parents and accrued thousands before they got out of high school…secretly.   I have told many kids that when it comes to money, don’t tell your parents what you made. It is a tough lesson to learn but it is one that we all learn…not just your parents but everyone.  

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