    What were some of the reasonsthey left their home country?

    i don,t no that answer just tell me

    ** edited by moderator. Zaido is asking about European settlers in Canada.

    +1  Views: 330 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    My father left Hungary oo 17 october 1956 because of the revolution, he ran to the boarder and jumped on a boat where he ended up in Munich. 

    He was given 3 choices, Africa , South Africa or Australia , he had never heard of the land faraway so he took that choice.

    If he had of stayed he would have had to join the army, being the only boy of 5 was very hard for him lots of responsibility.

    He came to a country of opportunity, but more importantly he came where there was freedom, no wars.

    He made a life for himself and never returned, but sadly his mother thought he had been killed in the blood shed that day in October, her 17 year old son ran.

    He rang her when he was 22 can you imagine my Grand mothers relief, after 5 years of losing her beautiful boy.


    The place they left, sucked.

    Deleted User

    It was damaged by Russia and no one came to help, they fought them off alone and burnt the communist emblem out of there flag. Hungary is not a free country today, but it is free of Russia's ruling..
    ed shank

    Are you Hungarian?
    Deleted User

    Part yes Hungarian/ Australian

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