    why does AKAQA allow people to join with minimal info?

    +1  Views: 1053 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    Why do you lurk here so much just trying to think of things to complain about? All you've done for months now is post your issues with akaQA. Why? Oh and yes, we will be expecting yet another visit from the troll who ALWAYS shows up right after you post here just to say something nasty about me. So juvenile.

    Mind you own business! I'll bet anything it's a dirty one too.

    See sawali...they might let you on but Colleen,eggie,admin are 100 steps ahead of you already!!They don`t need you to tell them that you are nasty and vindictive and a time waster with no brains..the powers on here work it out for themselves...the ONLY person who you are kidding is YOURSELF!!!:-0

    < Reply moved to where it should be>

    Karma: 27360

    Questions such as this are not meant to offend anyone. It is to get your own thoughts on the subject if you wish to share. eg. pikkutileri65 has expressed his/her thoughts which is fine. So please know this a simple question no motives behind since akaqa is in some way a family and knowing a little more only strengthens. If anyone feels offended, I am sorry I asked.

    You got everyone's thoughts. The majority feel no more information is needed than what is given. The admin feel the same way, otherwise they would ask for more information. We have all the info we need. Info that you the regular user does not know about. There is a spot on your profile page you can use if you feel the need to share more information.

    12 Answers

    This is a question that would be better addressed by the admin.  Please click on "contact" at the bottom of the page (black) and ask them. They are happy to respond to questions from members.

    Probably because people are like me to some extent.If it took a lot of info about myself I would never have joined.I'm funny like that.Just old fashioned I s'pose.


    Yep, then we decide for ourselves how much or little we want to divulge. :)


    ..What Tommyh said ...

    Im funny like that too!

    We ain't funny Doo. Just cautious.:)

    Just what is it that you think akaqa needs to know? Anybody with a lick of sense can join......


    That is exactly the amount I have!! Julie you must be psychic! :D

    I am! I am!

    Psychic and closing in on a half a mill'...check it out!! woo hoo! ;)

    Thanks for noticing.........jhh

    ...and many without!

    Since they let me in, they must have felt compelled to allow the rest of the human race in.


    Funny guy. :)

    :-) you have an honest face!!:-)

    Kinda pink though.

    This is not a dating site so detailed info is optional.

    It's not like we're spending the night together! Really! It's more fun imagining what someone looks like  Or how they are in person! I do think the (person) shows thru! What do you think I am?


    LMAO! Did Mick Jagger ask ya, Clu? Woo hoo :)


    Back when he was young and I was young- I would of wished! Kissy Kissy! to Mick!

    Am I the only one that had to do a FBI felony back ground check ?


    Funny! :)

    Were you wanted for all your funny, punny jokes?

    Really? Did you ever have a FBI check? They can find you! Years ago anyway- involved in a couple of them! Interesting!

    No, I had to do one, too. I even had agents at my door asking to see my credentials. I didn't have any, so they let me join.


    daren1- mine was an extensive background check involving the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, InterPol......they just don't trust someone who has worldwide contacts (all of the animals) that they can't speak to themselves!

    Hey Doc how did you really get on here i saw your mugshot at the PO..

    Shoot! I m a Wanted Dead or Alive Doolittle!...don't tell anyone I'm here in aka land!

    Unfortunately we live in different times. Even with the limited information that has been shared by all of us here, a weirdo could track down just about anyone on this site whose been here for a while.


    It's too expensive to track me the barrier of Sasquatches is impossible to traverse making any and all attempts futile at best!!! ;D

    We are not opening a bank account, I doubt I'd have joined if I needed to provide detailed info, probably just not have bothered, what do we need to know other than what we choose to share ??

    There is no good reason for detailed information to be given about one's self to offer advice and opinion in a place like this.  It becomes obvious who the troublemakers are, what people's values and motivations are, etc.  You get a feel for who to trust, not that I'm very good at trusting the right people.   

    Perhaps when the world government runs the internet and everything else you will see all the info on a person that you want. I hope not.

    ed shank

    I participate heavily in a spectator sport. To track me down wouldn't take much effort.

    because if  you say something objectionable, they just won't print it. So, that's why anybody can join.

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