    i have a gatewaynv53ai believe the mic volume is to loud with speakers plugged in it speakers at 1/2 volit wants to feed back how do i turn it down

    0  Views: 535 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    You are operating in full duplex mode, so I assume you are using it with skype or similar. Skype and other communication software has its own parameters for adjusting audio/mic volume.

    otherwise, you can also do it from your O/S (operating software) 

    Two ways, you can go to your control panel (or just type 'sounds' in your systems search.  Then click the recording tab or microphone, lower the sensitivity.or

    Just pull up speaker volume by double clicking the speaker icon in your taskbar and lower the speaker volume.

    Assuming you are using  as  O/S- Vista or windows 7.  If you have external speakers, they usually have a volume control of their own.  if you are using an external mic, you can re-position the mic. There are many ways to combat this feedback.

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