    Can bits of robber wood be useful for making particle boards?

    I'm in wood recycling business & work with rubber wood mostly.

    0  Views: 396 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: recycling

    1 Answer

    Product Information - Particle Board

    Particleboard is a wood panel product that is composed of wood chips bonded together with pressure, heat and glue resins. Different combinations of wood particle size, resin levels, and manufacture processes determine what type of product is produced. Different types of wood are used in making Particle Board.

    Chip types:Pine, fir, hardwood lumber, and recycled wood are used to make wood chips for the production of Particle Board. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. Pine is lighter in color and the easiest to machine with, but it costs the most. Fir is more rigid and less expensive, but its harder on blades and equipment. Hardwood lumber and recycled (urban) wood is even more less expensive and stronger yet, but it is even harder on equipment and blades. Most Particle Board types we carry are a mix of different chip types to allow the benefits of both types.Grades and types: There are different types and grades of particleboard. The types that are available are a standard graded-density board, a fire-rated board, a moisture resistant or exterior grade board, and a formaldehyde free board. The differences in these boards would be the additives and resins that are mixed with the board chips. There are a number of different particleboard grades, but the ones that we mostly deal with are industrial grade and commercial grade particleboard. The differences lie in the density by which the particleboard chips are packed together. This difference determines the ease by which the product is machined and how it is joined together including screw strength hold. The commercial grade being not quite as dense as the industrial grade

    dilip kam

    Please give info about "rubber wood"

    Particle boards from undebarked natural rubber wood and lignocellulose byproducts.

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