    i have chronic nedical condition, doc has helped me a lot. Problem- my insurance carrier has been billed for a huge amount of money, doc has been getting paid huge amount. i'm feeling guilty about this. ineed advice

    0  Views: 384 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    All insurance companies make deals with doctors and pay what they want to pay. Trust me, the doctor can not screw the insurance company. The insurance company will settle for less than what the doctor's office charges. You have nothing to feel guilty about. The insurance company knows what it's doing. 

    If you are paying the premiums for your coverage, you are doing what you are supposed to do. The doctor is doing what HE is supposed to do, and the insurance company needs to do what they are HIRED and PAID to do. 
    I hope your condition can be controlled and that you can enjoy doing whatever you enjoy. 

    There is no need to feel any "guilt" over this. Doctors' fees run high. We pay insurance costs for this very reason. The number of people paying into insurance far far outweighs the number of people drawing money's a win-win situation for both doctors and the insurance company.Stop conjuring guilt will only make you sicker!!

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