    How can we persuade people asking questions that it's often vital to tell us where they live, as in which country?

    Laws vary... customs vary... I comment the question, which leaves it as unanswered for people to view. I've yet to see anyone respond and give the information.

    0  Views: 429 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Why is this so important - who cares - we are all human beings albeit with different DNA.

    This is a very valid point and I accuse Americans in particular of seeming to be COMPLETELY UNAWARE that there are 183 other countries on this planet.

    Yes indeed! Their spelling is a good guide though... not that they tell each other which state and that makes a difference.

    Kind of a broad statement there isn't it Cammy? Of course we're aware of other countries, each of them have people in them seeking to live in the USA. As for the spelling, you see us Americans telling them to learn to spell. Don't blame all Americans for the lazy slobs we can't control. We're a huge country.

    It wasn't a criticism of Americans, or their education. They are actually more logical with spelling. Centre does sound like Center. They have dropped "u" also, which is a French influence & makes "English" English more complicated.
    Must say I agree totaly with the above. Don`t do what I did I started to Thumbs Down without answering and got my wrist slapped by the Big Brother in charge. Many on this site are from the "Good old US of A"I have formed a bond with many of these and I find the more mature of them are great but I do feel the problem is the adolescents. They have nothing to do so they get smart allicky on this site, and they are not all from Yankee land.

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