    Is crime and deviance functional to the society?

    +2  Views: 826 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Don't recall where I heard this but it does make sense. Crime is the biggest industry in this country. When you take into account all the satellite industries involved such as handcuffs, uniforms, cars, guards, Lawyers and the list goes on and on. Again I don't recall the exact number of people these vendors employ, but it was a very, very high number. I guess Crime "is" good for the economy.


    thank you for that i agree with you 100%

    Back when theft was a common method of paying the rent and buying groceries for myself and friends, we considered our actions as" testers of insurance company honesty", rather than criminals. We never stole from the poor or families directly. Some thieves give themselves integrity by twisting their motives like this so they can see themselves as providing a public service rather than accepting guilt for their crime. Rob in Hood…was a crime in King Arthur’s day….that is wearing a hood over one’s face when committing a crime to conceal one’s idenity. Of course the legend commuted guilt to the Sheriff for being a robber baron and Robin Hood as the hero who shared wealth with the disenfranchised victums of the sheriff. It is easy to spin motives for behavior that is criminal in law. If enough people do it then the behavior may not be viewed as a crime. That’s the hard way to make changes in the law.   



    Crime and deviant behavior supports the legal justice system by the necessity to house and maintain perpetrators of acts against our social/cultural system of order. Eventually crimes such as theft and littering may disappear as crimes. For that to happen requires cultural evolution. If you were positively identified and charged for an item you pick up in a store and stuff into a bag, there would be no need for cash registers.

    Yup- I was a good Spin Doctor- now I just do it for honest fun!

    I am in total agreement with you. But, of course, that might require mutual respect and compromise....humans aren't adept in those areas, all too often.

    I've never really thought of it from that perspective before, but I suppose it does create jobs and industries.

    A truly  successful functioning society would be free of crime and deviance.  I think they are more evidence of a dysfunctional society.  Crime and deviance should never be considered acceptable as part of a "properly" functioning society. 
    Oh course, that society would have everyone employed in work in which they excelled, with relationships that were committed and children who were secure in the promise their parents loved each other and them!   


    The ideal culture is earned through the experience of conflict resolution within our own minds, not with guns or bombs or wars.

    bt i beg to differ because if people do not practice crime and devience do the police opperate, what about the jails, they will npt function. moreso, those who deviate needs to live and i think they deviate because they are exploited by the elite


    Personally speaking, I'd like to see the end of crime and the lack of need for prisons. I'd like to see a world where people get along and are able to function successfully without resorting to crime (and I'm not referring to traffic infractions; I'm on the felony page).
    I have a son who has been in jail since 3/11 with no end in sight. I have another son who missed prison time by being able to serve only a couple months in county jail.
    They made their mistakes, and hopefully they won't make those mistakes again, ever. I would really like a world where my sons would have had no need or desire to do the things they did. No excuses.

    "Exploited by the elite" is a great excuse, but it isn't going to get my support. When someone points a finger at anyone but himself and blames society for what he has chosen to do himself, I don't want to hear another word. My sons were not "exploited"; they made the decision to be stupid of their own free will. "Exploited by the elite"....B*l*s*i*
    ed shank

    Bob, I agree, exploited by who? The rich, so called elite? You are responsible for your own bad decisions, not a black man or white man. Your's and only your feet should be held to the fire.

    Absolutely, ed shank. My eldest acknowledges that, and always has. The middle one needs to get to that "aha" moment (things are NOT looking good for him); the youngest I can't even talk to about stuff like this.
    INNOFLASH: If people don't have criminal and deviant behavior, we don't have anything for the police to do and the jails and prisons wouldn't function??? That would be the day to celebrate. Empty prisons because people were being socially responsible. You are telling me people NEED to screw up so the police and jails will have something to do???

    Heck, American officials have been making deals with Cartels for years- how much 'product' they will allow into the US etc.  Big Business- and Big Politics too!

    Dunno, why don't you read your study books or listen to your lecturer?


    but i think i juss wanted to here from others but i know it.

    I think you were looking for people to agree with you. I'm wondering what you know????

    Exploitive concepts: Giving to receive, Gain by denying others equal treatment, give to be owed and due on their rise, Offend to oppress and give tokens on your rise, gracious gratitude to escape the effects of your own failures, Confidence and trust to inspire loyalty and to obligate them, trap to enslave. There are more?    

            These are part of "Harms Way" that the light of love reveals as not to do.

    ed shank

    Don't know where your going with this. You sound stoned.

    ED, not stoned….this is about crime, deviance and exploitation. The Exploitive concepts I listed above are some of the gimmicks used by those who seek to exploit others. I know it is deep to see where dark talents come from, “Like a crack in the wall of hell.” But there are those who live there and prey upon others “... like stealing candy from a baby"….by their abuse of the naivety of others is their meat and potatoes.

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