    What is your work now?

    My work is accountant

    +2  Views: 896 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    My job is just being me.  I clean some, I cook some, I read some, I'm nice to others, I'm supportive, I'm a friend...........


    You are all of those things! as we used to say: "YOU'RE a GOOD EGG"!!!
    Weird saying..but the chickens sure like it!!!

    I hounded this family farm for years to work for them and now my daughter and I are finally affiliated with them...they call us their mother/daughter team! We both love it! Organic produce homegrown with farmers in California organic farms providing many fruits as well!You'd love it too!! ;)

    I work at an awesome Fruits and Vegetables stand!!!  Peace.  :)

    I also garden with a lady who pays well for hard work!  :)


    How cool is that- oh the berries in Summer must be amazing and sooooo tasty- how do you keep the Bears away??? :)

    I've always wanted to work with produce....!

    OH! Bears and sasquatch LOVE berries!!! I had to 'compete' with Alaskan Brown Bears for blueberries and salmon one year! (I lost a lot of weight!!! LOL)

    I hounded this family farm for years to work for them and now my daughter and I are finally affiliated with them...they call us their mother/daughter team! We both love it! Organic produce homegrown with farmers in California organic farms providing many fruits as well!You'd love it too!! ;)

    That's it! I'm sold! Sounds like your Island would be ideal to enjoy life ...and write the book I've been meaning to write!

    I'm hoping it will be funny...I def! need an editor to keep me focused! LOL

    P.S. I'm going to ask a moderator to give you my e-mail address...then you can e-mail me, I'll have your address and can send you stuff. OK???

    I do voluntary work from home, i help people with all sorts of things,  from directions to a destination, how to cure a headache, advice on a wayward teen, recipes, i can tell people the time in other countries, the list is endless.


    LOL, do you get paid?
    and don't say in thumbs, PLease.
    ed shank

    Just think, another year of moderating and you can hang a shingle on your door. "I know it all just ask me".

    My "job" is to try to be nice and understanding to those souls that cross my path!  (sometimes I get in a mood and it is difficult to do -doo)  and to communicate with ALL of the amazing Animals on this Planet!!!  And to fight for them, in whatever way I am able, because some humans totally disregard these lovely creatures.. I am a Steward of this Earth and the beings that reside here!


    Funny you ask...there are 2 Russian Bear dogs trained to get the Bears to chase them back up river..then dogs duck back round to the farm..hilarious! Last year we lost alot of berries to supposed Bears but there are Sasquatch along that very spot and none of the roots were dug up like Bears love to do...just alot of missing berries!! I know a girl and her folks who recorded them up there just a few months ago! Whoop whoop!

    Hardest part is swatting the darn things far enough on shore! LOL :D

    I am an excellent editor!! And researcher!! Voila! ;)

    Sweeeeet! zounds wonderful Doc! :)

    I've emailed permission in case it's needed! :)

    I'm retired. My work now is being a member/moderator of akaQA. 


    And You ARE NOT thanked enough for the awesome job that you do- Doo be DOO

    and good at colleen, the name colleen is special to me because my first daughter was named Colleen Marie

    Is that re-tired as in you were rested and now you are re-tired?? (kidding..of course) ;)

    and you're really good at it!!

    ??Retired..I think you mean TIRED/POSITIVELY EXHAUSTED!!??!!..The amount of time and energy you put in on here!:-0

    Some days this place can be more demanding than my trucking days ever were for sure ;)

    I been told that working the land is as close to God as I can get at the moment. so here I am with the Beutiful land and animals

    at the moment I'm off work for a couple of months after spinal surgery, then I guess it's back to work in welfare, then again I think the idea of not going back at all is quite appealing, if I wasn't in pain I think I'd enjoy pleasing myself and enjoying life instead of working


    Hopefully the pain subsides and life can be what you wish in the future.
    Take care lambie!

    Thank you Romos,I'm frantically trying to learn how to use the new device implanted...hopefully will help with the pain

    lambshank, I wish you a speedy recovery.If you can enjoy life, why not.

    I was fortunate to work as a tax preparer through mid-April. Currently I'm  enrolled with "Workforce Connection" is federally funded (my tax dollars working for me!).  With evaluations and interviews, along with possible training, I should be working somewhere, doing something, soon. WF will submit my resume to potential employers that I don't even know have jobs available. 
    Like CHAIN, my work is looking for work.  

    ed shank

    Good luck, it is tough out there. I'll share some pixxy dust with ya, works for me.

    Good Luck!

    gOOD LUCK!! XX:-)

    Staying alive.


    Wishing you well Ed.
    ed shank

    Thanks Flip, one day at a time.

    Wish you the best!

    "Honey-do's" ..... And I just got home from California where I built a wall for my daughter.


    ...and you didn't even come by for coffee. :(

    I'm a writer.


    I'm currently writing a novel about a family who came to Australia in the 1930s, it's fiction of course. I also write science fiction.

    I have better things to do, than boast about my employment.

    my work is looking for work, seriously.

    i had a bit of a lapse due to a road accident, and find it hard to get back into things.

    maybe i need a coach. or someone who can motivate.


    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall." by Confucius


    Good luck!

    Good`s not easy I know.:-¬

    Nurse,Mother,lover:-0 (Joke)!,Sister,daughter,and ALL round general slave!!:-)..(but I love it)!!:-?!

    same as the last 15 years or so...

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