    what is the missing link?

    how did man evolve from monkey?


    +2  Views: 817 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Sasquatch people are one of the many missing links...and there are many!



    "She's a dead ringer for my (Mother-in-law) alright same beetie eyes."

    No PANDA, that's my mate who lives around the corner from me, he's never heard of "bic".
    At least he's always warm.

    That's Herb!!!!!!

    This is Patty! She was filmed as she was out for a walk one day by 2 yahoos on horseback.A terrifying ordeal for her so she got out of there in a hurry! This is an artists' refining of her beautiful facial features which are as different as yours and mine are among Sasquatch people!She would be in her 50s or 60s today.She's from California! Whoop Whoop!

    Life is more like a spectrum than a chain, but not a spectrum with discreet ends. It’s a spectrum in that there are gradual transitions from one species to another, all of whom are certainly linked together, but no discreet links in a chain which can be broken, repaired, or readily followed. The more people understand this sort of thing, the better equipped they will be to understand evolution as a whole — not to mention the entire field of biology itself.

    When we say "missing link," we invoke a metaphorical chain, a set of links that stretch far back in time. Each link represents a single species, a single variety of life. Because each link is connected to two other links, each is intimately connected to past and future forms. Break one link, and the pieces of the chain can be separated, and relationships lost. But find a lost link, and you can rebuild the chain, reconnect separated lengths. One potent reason for the attractiveness of this metaphor is that it allows for the drama of the quest, the search for that elusive missing link.

    Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists  believe this common ancestor existed   5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.                


    I’m surly not trying to convert anyone on their believes however I do think that lying to ones selfs is one of the biggest sins there is. Not a sin to God but to one’s self.

    " I use to think it was my (Mother-in-law) but then realized I was actually hop-in to find her miss-in one day ." I still have hope !


          That missing link is in here somewhere!


    Jennifer is the missing link.  There you have it!  Have a lovely day!

    ""This is the missing link!

    Not missing link, more of a loose screw. 


    Missing links, loose screws and an elevator that doesn't go all the way to the top floor!
    Is that all the same stuff? :)

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