    I'm looking for a horse racing game. I last saw this played many years ago on board a cruise liner where the horses were moved as well as the player on a board on the floor. can anyone remember such a game and what it is actually called - once establishing that I will then need to know how to ;lopcate one :-)

    0  Views: 3179 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    From what I have read, this is a game that the cruise liners made for their passengers see below. I think they may even still have them. I would bet you cannot buy one unless you can from them.  

    Horseracing is another fairly common activity on cruise ships. No, no one actually has horses running around the ship. They use small cutouts of horses, normally placed on a pole or stand, and the movement of the horses is decided with throws of the dice. The races feature paramutual wagering, in most cases just a dollar or two per bet, so they're really just for fun.

    On Caribbean cruises Royal Caribbean takes horse racing a step further. They auction off the horses near the beginning of the cruise, and let things build towards the owner's race near the end of the cruise. I've seen horses sell for everywhere between $15 to $600. The money raised at the auction goes to the "owners" of the horse who wins the Owner's Derby. Passengers are encouraged to form consortiums to purchase the horses, and then they are given possession of the ponies for the remainder of the week. They name and decorate their ponies, and parade them around the ship during the cruise. I've always found this to be great fun, and highly recommend making a purchase on your next RCI cruise. I know many loyal RCI cruisers who have their horse decorating packages ready for their next cruise along with their cruise wear. I'm one of them. I have my Kuki-moose antlers ready.

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