    How Do You Feel About Obama's Stance on Gay Marriage...

    He announced that he believes Gay Marriages should be legalized.  (Please remember that the 50 States are the ones that control whether Gay marriage can be/ or is legal in their State- So he has no control over it)  I believe it is part of the "Equality for All" Constitutional Rights (Or that's what the Media is saying)..Is it, or is it a political tactic for his election campaign...and if so is it a good move or a bad move?????????

    +3  Views: 1116 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    It's a ploy to get the homosexual vote. I hope the LGBT community does not fall into this trap.  His opinion does not matter, nor does the opinion of the VP. It's the US Supreme Court who will make the decision on federally recognized gay marriage, not the people and not the President. 


    Thats what I thought too. He might as well say that he likes pineapples too...So many people think the President (any President) has free reign to change laws etc. I think the should teach Government in schools.

    They do teach government in schools here. The kids just do not pay attention.

    This will certainly put him at odds with those who are adamantly against legalizing same-sex marriages.   As noted, it is up to the individual states to resolve this matter.  I hope it doesn't raise his popularity numbers.

    Political postering, like always. Anything to get elected. Anything he will say and do from now on will be for his political ideology to win the nomination. Its sickening.

    I  think he will lose the election over this decision. I live in California, too. Personally, I give him a standing O. Yay!

    I am hard-pressed to understand what people have against Gay people. I guess it’s in the bible. I dunno. 


    The separation of Church and State should have taken care of that long ago...You don't want gays to marry because of your spiritual beliefs, that's fine, don't allow them a marriage in your Church...but that has nothing to do with "your" State laws on CIVIL ceremonies!!! (I agree w/you..just wanted to make that point)

    There's nothing I like about our President, but I applaud the fact that after some soul searching he, has reconsidered his thinking on same sex marriages. I, too had a very definate opinion at one time that this type of relationship was wrong. I like to think that I matured and realized that you can't help who you love. This was a brave move on his part, it could kill his chances for a second term. I don't believe it was done for the gay vote. I believe it was his conscience speaking. I hope he's out after November, but for real issues and not the gay thing. 


    Do you have any idea how very, very happy I am to see your ugly face here again! So hoping you are back to stay. XO
    ed shank

    You are so sweet,and yes, the corrosive one is back, ugly face and all.

    ed!!!!! It is great to see you back! You were missed!
    If the federal government decides it's a civil right then it will become a federal issue and the states will have no say depending on what the supremes decide. They will have to decide the rights issue first. And it could easily go in this direction because the court has been here before. The made interracial marriage a right, I think in the fifties. Then there was the whole civil rights fight of the fifties and sixties and in both of these conflicts they came down on the side civil rights which made it a federal case. I think they could very well go in this direction because having half the states going in one direction and the other half in another seems inefficient, not to mention a legal quagmire when it come to business, law, insurance, medicine and other things. Also, I'm not sure, but business interest will probably side with gays because they are a hughe purchasing block. I mean, come on, they are 4% of 300,000,000 people or 12,000,000.  That's a lot of business.

    I don't see the point in arguing about why, when or how Obama makes his position clear. This is politics and we are the ones that helped to make this screwed up system. It forces politicians to worry too much about money, polls, and sound bites. People say that it was a political move by Obama. Really, well of course it was and it was practical, reasonable, and necessaryt to the democratic base which has to be taken into consideration. I mean, this is the political arena, what other kind of decision would it be? Heck, if I were to worry about that kind of thing I would have pulled out what little hair I have left  trying to determine what position Romney was changing today.

    Last but no least, most young people support gay marriage. So, any objections by conservatives, religious groups and others on the right are nothing more than delaying tactics because the middle age and older generations will gradually decline and die off and the younger people who are more tolerant on this issue will change it.

    It does not matter what the law ses the bond between two people is the marrage not the bit of paper that is worth nothing it love that counts


    I understand what you're saying but it does matter what the law says if married homosexuals want to be protected under the thousands of laws that come along with that piece of paper. This is a civil rights matter and eventually, the US Supreme Court will have to make a ruling on it. Homosexuals are tax paying citizens too. Our families have a right to be protected just like the heterosexual families are.

    yes I see they should have the same right as the so called (normal People)

    That paper is worth way more than you can possibly imagine. Colleen has noted there are (I think she said) 1,500 "rights" married couples have that other couples don't. The legal issue of gay marriage goes beyond love; anyone can love without being "married".

    bob/pkpI would have thought a country like america would give all it's people the same rights but sadly I am wrong. It's is the same as 1900 century when some have rights and other don't matter.

    Let the games begin!

    Here we go! THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!

    Evangelist Franklin Graham said President Barack Obama has “shaken his fist at God” by voicing support for gay marriage.

    In an interview Wednesday with ABC News, Obama said his opinions had evolved and he now believes same-sex couples should have the right to wed.

    “At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama said.

    Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, said the president was defying God’s will by changing his opinion on the issue.

    “President Obama has, in my view, shaken his fist at the same God who created and defined marriage. It grieves me that our president would now affirm same-sex marriage, though I believe it grieves God even more,” Graham said in a statement.

    “This is a sad day for America. May God help us,” he said.

    Graham supported a measure to amend North Carolina’s constitution to bar gay marriage. Voters on Tuesday passed the amendment with a 61 percent approval rate.

    Graham has criticized Obama on spiritual matters in the past. In February, he publicly questioned whether Obama is really a Christian and said “Islam has gotten a free pass” under Obama’s administration. Graham later apologized.


    My impute:

    Franklin Graham IS WRONG. God did not create and define marriage. Man did. Marriage was originally a legally bidding contract between a man and the father of the girl. She was basically sold into marriage by her father. It could have been for money, land or even animals. Here in the USA, the federal Government defines what a marriage is.  God is in charge of Holy Matrimony, not a legal contract acknowledged by the US Government. If God was in charge of marriage, then Atheists would not be able to get married. 




    I agree with you comment however, The 50 States can independently decide if gay marriage is legal- though without the Supreme Courts blessing, Your marriage in one State may not be recognized in another.
    (The State I live in does not recognize common law marriages & we will probably end up with a vote in Nov. re Gay marriages)

    I was speaking of hetero marriage. What those states offer for gay marriage is not even remotely close to what federal marriage gives. The rights given in a state marriage for gays is less than a fraction of what federal marriage offers.

    True..but in our State you can put a significant other on your health insurance, as co-owner to your home(s), as the one to make healthcare decisions for you...and Beneficiary to your Pensions... The Gay marriage act if elected would give them rights to file joint tax returns(at least State returns) etc. I know a lot of States are not as liberal as mine is- and some are more liberal...I'm trying to think of other rights ...I am sure their are some....But, it would be nice to take a 2x4 to the Supreme Justices to think "I must remember that there IS a sep of Church (my personal beliefs) and State (equality for all)..I guess some people have the incapacity to think both ways! Sad really.

    Doo, those rights are a pittance. You might find this an interesting read

    Thanks C! Will read it!

    Good for him and about time. One less problem to worry about............

    Nobody can dictate who to love...political moronics I say!

    I think it's all about the money money money....and the votes.


    Yes, do these politicians actually care about their constituents? Hardly.

    Re my RX...I never said an Earthling Male would agree- but hey, it's my RX and I know it would work...for the libido and marriage!

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