    probability of one individual fufilling all messianic prophesies form old testament

    +4  Views: 810 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Headless Man

    Very good Question......

    ... that were not fu(l)filled by Jesus? Comment with few examples please.
    Headless Man

    They where all fulfilled by Jesus.

    10 Answers

    It will never happen. Prophecies are not fact. They are possibilities. All can be changed with the spiritual advancement of humanity. This could be made faster if some would grow faster spiritually and stop living only for 2000 year old beliefs and ideals. 

    Headless Man

    You don't understand the question, these Prophecies are from the old testament and fulfilled by Jesus by his birth and what the odds are of one individual fufilling all messianic prophesies from the old testament.

    Those prophecies had already happened. All the ones concerning Jesus's birth were actually prophecies concerning the Pagan God's birth and life. The prophecies were palgerized from more ancient writings. Writings conveniently destroyed or tucked away by the Catholic church during it's period of absolute rule and power over the lands. The Christian religion helps to hide the truths. The truths will surface again though and you will see my words are true. Your religion will be shown to be the scam it is.
    Headless Man

    You are blind, these were fulfilled by Jesus no one else......

    You are punch drunk and believe only the words hammered into you. I have sight and insight that far surpasses your little book.
    Headless Man

    I don't drink punch or Kool-aid.......

    Sure you do. You just don't know it because you do not actually look at what they feed you. You just accept it all on faith. As did the followers at Jonestown.

    KIDS- time to separate and go to your rooms!!!

    This one is too mild to have anyone bothered over it Doo.
    Headless Man

    I'm sure I've looked into this more than you know and show unrevoltable facts and all you do is say is:
    "research it. It's been proven"
    but you show no prove of what you say, your believes are all by faith, faith in you.
    But your right, It has been proven, Jesus is the Messiah.

    No, I do not run on faith. I believe what has been shown to me. Jesus was the messiah for his time. There have been others since his time that you have been taught not to see as messiahs. We have had many. There have been many here on this earth that have contained the Christ Consciousness. Even God learns. They came but were quieter in order to not be crucified.
    Headless Man

    Sorry I didn't notice this sooner, this only shows how little you understand about Jesus, He came to be crucified for our sin, so if we believe in Him we can be forgiven, he was our sacrificial lamb.

    No, that's what your book tells you but it's not true. He did not die for your sins. He died because he knew he had to in order to wake up the hearts of man to God. Your sins are still your own. There's no giving them away or just being forgiven for them. You are still responsible for them, you still have to make amends for them. Praying does not just make them go away. Saying I'm sorry does not just make them go away. You will have to pay back for any harm you did, including swaying a person off their given path to follow yours.

    Randy shake the dust off you feet.

    No worries, he'll just wash it off with kool-aid :)

    If you read the prophecies they never state it will be a group of people they all point/state it will be one person.

    Headless Man

    Very true.....

    If you covered the state of Texas with silver dollars a foot deep with one blue one and sent a person blindfolded to find the blue one the odds of him finding it with the first pick is more likely than it was for Jesus to fulfill all messianic prophesies from the old testament.

    Headless Man

    Sorry, the above statement is wrong, it was 2 foot deep for eight prophesies, Jesus fulfilled 300 messianic prophecies.......

    Any religion has different aspects that are unbelievable to accept, it's called faith. I have a T-shirt that I wear I'd like to share here:  " Christianity - The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.  Makes perfect sense." 

    Headless Man

    When you put it that

    The lack of answers here tells its own story. It was told for 100s of years that Jesus would come. He came at the exact time. The exact place. Did ALL the things they said He would.  Died in the way they said He would. He was raised on the third day as they said He would and He is now beside the Father waiting for His Church just as they said He would. WOW


    So too did the God of the Pagan's. Same story almost to a T and he existed before Jesus did.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, easy to say hard to prove.
    The Bible has the proof of Jesus as God with these prophecies.

    Randy, research it. It's been proven for Pete's sake. Must I do all your leg work?

    The Bible is not proof, there is no proof.

    Jesus has split himself in two, he lives in Australia and Russia.


    Really? Go out to dinner with Him and ask Him anything you like you will be AMAZED!!!

    They look like Jesus, but they are not, they're cult leaders.

    The Messiah would have had 456 identifying characteristics; Jesus had them all.

    Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner, has calculated the probability of one man fulfilling the major prophecies made concerning the Messiah. Twelve different classes representing some 600-university students worked out the estimates. 1 in (10 to the 157POWER) that one man could fulfill even 48 (F O U R T Y - e i g h t ) of these Old Testament prophecies.
    JUST REMEMBER THAT JESUS FULLFILLED OVER 300! Finally, he submitted his figures for review to a committee of the American Scientific Affiliation. Upon examination, they verified that his calculations were dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented (Peter Stoner, Science Speaks, Chicago: Moody Press, 1969, 4).


    There is no argument that Jesus was a messiah. Really Randy. You have convinced no one here to date that was not already a Christian that Christianity is the way to go. Stop with your agenda already. Jesus was sent as a messenger. Even your professor can not prove he is part of the trinity that not all Christians believe in.

    Jesus did not come to be a God. He came to bring a message of peace love and hope. Something that you are forgetting about as you wave your sword trying to force people into believing your Evangelical way.
    Headless Man

    I'm answering the above question to the best of my ability.......
    You can do what you want with the answers, OK

    zero for the next 10,000 years

    Headless Man

    Reread the question, these were already fulfilled by Jesus birth.

    The big one that Jesus got wrong was His prophesy that He would return during the lifetime of those then living.

    Headless Man

    I think you miss read or miss heard.....

    Mark 9:1 And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

    2 After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.

    When faith rules over facts magical thinking becomes deeply engrained, it produces a frame of mind in which concepts are formulated with deep passion but without any attention paid to the evidence. Nowhere is this more evident than in the USA today where Christians who seek to convert the nation to theocracy dominate the Republican Party. Blind faith is no way to run a world.


    "Blind faih is no way to run a world."

    Hear, hear! It's no way to exist in one either.
    Headless Man

    You have blind faith in man every day, when you switch on a light, when you set in a chair, when you start your car.
    I would rather have Blind Faith in GOD.

    No, I always expect that a light can burn out or a chair can collapse, I see beyond the little box religion tries to keep people in. I've seen the light of God and stood within it and had it fill me. It is not blind faith that makes me believe, it's the fact that IT has made Itself known to me. This is what comes of having an open mind and not trying to force feed people something that is not true. Hear what the Divine is trying to tell you Randy. Open your mind, stop reading the words of men.

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