    How do you clean up an oil spill on your garage floor ?

    I wasn't the dummy that caused the spill. It was my friend, Gary.It was dirty oil to boot! Seems like I read once that kitty litter can clean it up. How 'bout cedar chips---the kind you put in the bottom of a hamster cage ? Or does just diluted bleach and a scrub brush work ?

    +7  Views: 1508 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thanks, everyone for your prompt and great suggestions. I'll use one or more of them. Anyone want to come to Michigan and help me clean it up ? Hee heee

    10 Answers

    Kitty litter is best.  Cedar chips are too dense--Stick to what the most mechanics use.. Although sawdust works well too

    looks like everyone has given good advise x

    Any commercial absorbent will do.  After you have vacuum up the last of the absorbent, spreed some "TIDE" over the area, then scrub the floor with a floor broom the remove the stain.

    Do not use gasoline, you could easily create and explosive atmosphere.



    " Bio-Solve "


    Don't know what that is..

    A lot of garages use this stuff they call Speedi-Dry, which is very similar to kitty litter. You sprinkle it over the spill and leave it for awhile to absorb the bulk of it. Remove it, and then sprinkle a little more that you grind into the floor with the bootom of your shoe. Leave it for a short period and then pick up.

    The second application and grinding it in with your foot usually picks up what would otherwise sit on the floor staining it. You can pick up this stuff at auto parts store, and might want to consider keeping a bag around for these kinds of occurences.

    Petro-Soil or any of other suggestion, even maybe USE THE DUMMY!!!


    hahah. He did try to clean it a little :-\

    A can of engine degreaser sprayed on the oil mark will help remove it.


    I tried that once, 'Gunk" I didn't have any lick with it.. I wonder if 'Dawn Dishwashing detergent would work?? I use ut to strip wax off my cars and it really works best for removing grease on pots n pans.. LOL

    Don't forget, you have to use a bit of elbow grease as well.No pain, no gain.

    1. Take a handful or two of an environmentally friendly hydrocarbon mitigation agent (preferable) or a powdered laundry detergent and sprinkle it all over the stain.
    2,  Pour a bit of water on the stain as well. This will allow a medium for the oil to dissolve into. 
    3. Let it sit overnight or for at least 12 hours unless using a hydrocarbon mitigation agent, which works immediately. Let it sit overnight or for at least 12 hours unless using a hydrocarbon mitigation agent, which works immediately.
    4.  Rinse with water. 
    5. Revel in a clean garage floor!
    6. Get some kitty litter.   It works as good as the oil dry the service stations use. Put some on the floor and rub it in with your foot. Don't worry about wiping it up. The kitty litter will absorb it. Once the worst is up sweep it up and repeat once more. When you are done let it sit a while then sweep it up. You will hardly be able to see where it was. This also works with old dried up oil stains. 
    7. There are a number of green, eco-friendly oil absorbent products that you can find and buy online to keep on hand so that if ever spill oil, paint, gasoline or other liquid, you can quickly absorb them. You can find a wide variety of products online. They are extremely absorbent and renewable.


    You can clean up an oil spill with oven cleaner.


    sounds quick and easy ! Thanx, Eggy

    Easy. mycatsmom. replace the garage "FLOOR" "OH no thanks necessary.Thats what AKAQA is all about. Given good advice.Also easy on the "Pocket"

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