    What causes nightmares in little kids? (Your opinion, please)

    +6  Views: 804 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    It's a phase most people go through as children, has anything changed in the child's environment, any added stresses ?I have heard certain foods before bed can trigger nightmares.A night light left on in the room can help the child feel safe.

    Too much stimulation, too much consumption of sugar, and going to bed without a nice warm bath.   Have your young ones calm down an hour before bedtime, eat less sweet stuff, and take a nice hot bath before sleeping.  A hot bath relaxes both kids and adults.  Your nightmare problem should be solved.


    How much are you charging for your excellent advice, Dr. Chi? :)

    Hahaha, only if it works. My daughters are twins and we tried every trick in the book. Keep everything simple is the best way to deal with kids.

    I think genes play a role in this type of thing as well. There is a theory that genes can carry memories as well as other things can. We have heard of the anti smoker getting a transplant and then all sudden wants to start smoking after their transplant. We all have seen or heard or joked about that if you have a problem with your phone or computer just go ask a kid for help because they were born knowing how to use that stuff. So perhaps these dreams are just away of the brain putting together all these past memories that it can see for the betterment of the child.


    This is interesting, Ed. I might research it a bit - not so much for nightmares but just because it's something I want to know about.

    I've read about this too, Ed. Pretty cool stuff.

    I think there are lots of possible causes, but I saw a witch once,I was very much the doubting Thomas, she did however identify a blond haired daughter (mine, and I have dark hair) she said casually that she had been buried alive in a past life and to leave a light on for her at night, what she didn't know was my 3 year old (at the time) woke constantly through the night, every night gasping for air and screaming, I had taken her to every doctor I could find, they diagnosed nightmares and asthma, I started leaving a hallway light on, no more nightmares and no more gasping for air, she has not had asthma since, I wonder if she ever did? she is now in her early 30's and still hates the dark


    If you want to know more ask Colleen, she can be very enlightening.

    Not in a witchy way BTW.

    Nightmares a very common in kids 3-6 yrs.old. Irregular routine or beeing  overtired, stress and anxiety can cause nightmares, or some conflicts during the day.

    When adults talk about scary monsters.


    a movie could do it too ... I wish my grandaughter didn't have nightmares. She makes her mom (my daughter) angry with her screaming at 2AM.

    When my nephew was an infant (less than one), my sister took him with her to see "An American Werewolf In London".  He slept through the movie.  
    He began waking up screaming.  When he was old enough to explain, he told his mom about the nightmare he had been having for years.....a hairy man with fangs and sharp nails chasing him through the dark.....
    I agree with those who suggest environment, experiences, external stimulation.


    AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON is my all time favorite scary movie, so well done!!!!

    When I was a kid if anyone told me about monsters under the bed or bad storms, that night I would dream of them!  I remember having to get my parents to look under the bed for monsters! It was very scary!

    I've only had one true nightmare in my life and I was between 6 or 7.  It was about planes dropping bombs (and a lot more) but this was a time when we were still doing bomb drills at schools.........


    thanks for correcting that movie title :D

    AM I correct?

    Fear. It has plagued man from the begining of time.

    Nightmares occur from time to time in many children, but they are most common in preschoolers (children aged 3-6 years) because this is the age at which normal fears develop and a child’s imagination is very active. Some studies estimate that as many as 50% of children in this age group have nightmares. Nightmares involve frightening or unpleasant dreams that disrupt the child's sleep on several occasions and cause distress or problems with everyday life. When children wake up because of a nightmare, they become aware of their surroundings and usually need comfort. As a result, these children often wake up their parents as well.

    When Do Nightmares Occur?

    Sleep is divided into two stages: rapid eye movement (REM) and nonrapid eye movement (non-REM). REM and non-REM sleep alternate in 90- to 100-minute cycles. Most dreaming occurs during REM sleep. Nightmares usually occur in the middle of the night or early morning, when REM sleep and dreaming are more common.

    What Is a Nightmare?

    A nightmare is a bad dream that usually involves some imagined danger or threat to the person having it. The child may dream about danger or a scary situation. Nightmares may involve disturbing themes, images, or figures such as monsters, ghosts, animals, or bad people. Loss of control and fear of injury are common themes. Children do not usually cry out or move around while they are having a nightmare. When the child wakes up and calms down, she often remembers what the dream was about.

    Nightmares are different from night terrors. Children with night terrors experience episodes of extreme panic. They are confused and often cry out and move around. During a night terror, waking the child is difficult, and the child often does not remember the dream that caused the terror.

    What Causes Nightmares?

    Exactly how or why nightmares occur is not known. However, being too tired, not getting enough sleep, having an irregular routine for sleep, and having stress or anxiety may all increase the risk of having nightmares. Nightmares can be related to the child’s stage of development. Most nightmares are a normal part of coping with changes in our lives. For children, nightmares could be related to events such as starting school, moving to a new neighborhood, or living through a family divorce or remarriage.

    Some genetic and psychological factors can also lead to nightmares. About 7% of children who have nightmares have a family history of nightmares (their brother or sister or parents had nightmares). Nightmares are more common in some children, including those with mental retardation, depression, and certain diseases that affect the brain. Nightmares may also be associated with fevers. Some medicines can cause frightening dreams, either during treatment or after the treatment has stopped. Conflicts and stress that happen during the day can affect a child’s sleep and lead to nightmares. Nightmares can also occur after a trauma. These nightmares may indicate post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Illness of any kind that causes a fever can and most likely does cause nightmares. Insecurity also does.

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