    what types of fruit & veg can b grown together

    0  Views: 1955 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: gardening

    You can grow any type of veggies together depending on the size of garden you have. I have many different types growing together with out a problem. Just do a little research and you'll be fine. About fruit trees I also have a few spread out across my back yard without a problem just be sure that you give the trees plenty of space from one to another. Hopes this helps you out a little.

    2 Answers

    Almost all! However I would not put melons next to cucumbers as the flavors might mix.

    actually, the shading effect from some plants is good for others, ex. lettuce grown in shade of most other plants is beneficial as lettuce likes a cooler climate, and there develops a micro climate in the shade of another crop.  One other thing is that there are plants which are companion plants, and they do very well together, but there are plants that cannot be planted near certain others, Ex. no plant likes fennel and if planted next to them, they do not thrive.  And some flowers act as companion plants which help deter insects, ex. marigolds, and basil does the same.

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