    Do you care for an elderly person with a dementia or Alzheimer's problem?

    Please have them wear visible identification and phone numbers in case they get lost. I spent the past 45 minutes with a very confused lady that stopped at my home asking for help finding her way home. Fortunately, we live in a friendly little village where neighbors watch out for each other. She was a mere two blocks from her daughter's house, but claimed they were on vacation and hadn't been home in days (not true, they were at work). She thought she knew the house number and street, but had no clue where that was, and when I took her there she walked throughout the house before she decided it was the right place. I finally found a neighbor that confirmed who she was and knew how to get in touch with the family. Just saying ..........

    +5  Views: 732 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: alzheimer's

    That was a good deed you did. People w. Alzheimers loose theire sense of direction. She probably schould not be left alone.

    5 Answers

    Well, good for you for taking the time and trouble to help this woman.  An ID badge is an excellent idea. Or some sort of ID not easily removed..........

    This is an excellent idea!!!   A medical ID bracelet that cannot be removed would be helpful!  You are a Good Guy for helping that woman (and her family)!!!!!!

    Great tip, Flip.  We seem to get stories in our newspaper every few months, saying to be on the lookout for someone who's wandered away. Unfortunately, a few times there's been tragic consequences.

    That is an excellent idea. In those instances, where people can get lost and not remember enough to safely get themselves home, maybe there could even be a GPS type bracelet available. That way, if someone wondered into a nearby woods or something like that, they could be found before a tragedy occured.


    By the way...that was a good thing you did for her.

    My mom had Alzheimers and she always tried to take off, any chance she got.I had to change all the locks and put a baby monitor in her room. She even tried to get out  of her bedroom window, which thankfully was groundlevel and had to put a special lock on the window.They need constant monitoring and a bracelet is a great idea. She passed away 16 yrs. ago.


    To some, 16 years would seem like forever, but I know she is still greatly missed .... I have always been extremely good with numbers and dates, but when it comes to the date of my mom's passing, I have no clue, regardless how often I look it up. Guess it's just the pain.

    Flip. I loved my mom very much and miss her dearly, and I am sure you did too.

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