    A Question for Americans ( U.S.A.) Do you still have to undergo a blood test before marriage, if so why is it required?

    +6  Views: 963 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    When we got married in Michigan, in '88, they had dropped the blood test by then. We were only required to read some stuff about AIDS . Why ? I don't know why. The blood test was orginally to see if you have syphillis.

    8 Answers

    According to the legal resource Free Advice, blood tests were intended to determine if one or both of the marrying couple had a disease that may be passed on to their children.As this excellent Catoosa County News article explains, many of the state blood test laws came about during the 1930s, before penicillinand antibiotics. At the time, syphilis was considered a significant public health hazard.

    While this legal concept may seem somewhat outdated today, the U.S. Marriage Lawscurrently lists eight states (including your home state of Georgia) that require blood tests. In those states, the state clerk cannot issue a marriage license until the blood test results have been presented.

    So a "blood test" is a way to check for sexually transmitted diseases, most often syphilis. However, the tests can also be used to check for rubella and sickle-cell anemia. The Mississippi State Department of Healthopenly acknowledges this, while also stating that they do not test for HIV or any other STDs unless the patient chooses.

    Can't speak for all states but in the great state of Massachusetts the answer is no,  that was almost 30 years ago I'm sure a lot has changed since then..

    Only a few states require a blood test or a blood test and physical examination before marriage to show whether one party is infected with a venereal disease. 

    See here:





    Thanks Flip, i have noticed from your link that most states you can get married as soon as you have a licence, same day i guess, i was going to renew my vows in Vegas ( 1981) until i found out how much they slugged!

    There are only 4 states that require a blood test before marriage.

    Indiana, Connecticut, Missisipi and Montana.

    PS. Has the problem with your comuter been taken care of? The Adm. E-mailed me that the problem was not in theire Web site, yet the problem with "Inernet Explorer cannot acess this web site" has been no longer a problem since Sunay morning. Strange..


    G'day Ann, same here, i have not had a problem since i sent Aka an e-mail - it must be their site as i have an Apple with the same problem or it was an incredible coincidence. --- Thanks Ann for posting it, i appreciate it, cheers.

    I have an apple and had that problem yesterday..happens a lot.

    Doo, mine has been going on for almost a month. I thought it was my computer

    LITTLE DOO, send an e-mail to Aka, they say it is not them, i have not had the problem since, don't worry it is not your Apple, let me say you have good taste in computers, Apple are Ace.

    I have been having that web page problem for weeks. I thought it was something in my computer. Misery loves company. I'm relieved others have suffered through it, more that it has been corrected.

    Bob, I finally contacted microsoft and after a few tests, they determined the error was on AkaQa website. I contacted Admin. and they told me, it was my computer and needed to upgrade to Explorer 9. Sunday morning the error message was gone and has not appeared since.It concludes, that the error was on AkaQA website all along.

    Ann, I've had that come up with other web sites, not just this one. I then have to shut everything down and start all over. I thought it was just my 'puter, cuz it's old.

    It's required because so many spouses would like to kill each other. If you marry someone, whom upon testing is found to have no blood, it makes this task much easier. No blood at the murder scene, no trail of blood.

    In the state of SC - you don't have to get a blood test!  But me personally, I feel that they should make you get one! But AGAIN that's just MY OPINION!


    Heaven, can you please use the whole state name as not every one knows the abreviation, including me , i guess it may be South Carolina, thanking you from Down Under.

    thank goodness I don't know the answer to that!!

    Here ih canada when I got married it was and still is as far as I no

    that was 55 yrs ago and the reason was so that you both don,t have

    conflicking blood types for child bearing eg: deformed ect;;;


    Sorry Adam, i would have posted Canada as well, i did not realise that Canada had a similar regulation.

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