    can clubs charge for tap water to drink

    +2  Views: 677 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Anything is possible.  The club certainly has a water/sewer bill every month.  When people use the tap to refill their personal water bottles instead of purchasing water at the club, charging for tap water seems a logical, if REALLY CHEAP-ASS maneuver.

    Yes, they can charge you for anything that they themselves pay for, theoretically, they can charge you to flush a toilet but pay toilets have pretty much disappeared due to discrimination.

    Charging for tap water in a club/restaurant  is an ignorant business practice and I don't doubt they will lose business as a result of it, I know myself i would never return.

    Cool answer!! :-)...Here we have to pay for use of toilets mainly..except in bars and restaurants etc...They are meant (By good will or other)??..NOT to charge for tap water in restaurants..cafes etc...but they obviously try to push the bottled water..and aren`t usually thrilled if you ask for tap water!!


    Here the 'pay toilets were outlawed due to discrimination because men's urinals are free and stalls were pay-- Women need to sit, men can stand. It was illegal at the time to make a person pay to use the restroom but not the stalls. They could charge for stall usage upsetting women-- I can see this.

    I don't believe they can, unless you ask for ice, which I think is a bit tacky, but  some explain it away by saying it takes as much time to get ice as pour a drink that is being paid for

    Some people go to clubs for the entertainment. If no drinks are bought there will be no  money to pay them. Some places have a certain amount to spend as in cover charge or minimum fees. Maybe thats why you have to pay for the water.

    Sure.  Anybody can charge you for anything they think you want or need.  The question is whether you will pay for it or continue to go there. 


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