    Should 'Mental Health Checkups' Be Made Part Of Health Care In Schools?

    +2  Views: 547 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    I think some of the teachers need it as well.

    3 Answers

    yes, i belive mental health check-ups should be included in health care check-ups for students. Unfortunately, however, you have to be very careful when chosing an honest, caring, physician because in this day and age you will notice that doctors are very quick to prescribe these newer medicines way to often. Sometimes mental health issues arent solved with a prescription. I understand ADHD with learning comprehension disorder. My son was diagnosed in the first grade. They kept pushing and pushing to have me give him amphetemines. I refused for years. Finally, i decided to let him try this so called "solution". He became extremely depressed, lost alot of weight, his hands would be so sweaty from paranoia that he was scared to go to school, he could not sleep. I decided to take one of the pills to see how I would react and see if the side effects would be worth the improvement in longer held attention span. Let me tell you, i felt like a poisend rat in a cage! I immediately flushed those pills. You know why it appears that the child is calmer and has a longer attention span? Because he's scared to death to move! I really wish these doctors that presribe amphetemines would be guinea pigs and take this medicine themselves while they are continually prescribing it to children. I gaurantee you within 6 months or less their entire lives would be out of control. Im proud to say my son made it just fine through school with a little one on one help from me after school each day. He graduated in 2010 with a B average. He chose to be a truck driver because he loves to travel. My son has a bright future doing what he loves and getting paid for it. DRUG FREE!! Parents: please dont be fooled into thinking your child needs this type of medicine if he or she has ADD or ADHD. Its crystal meth in a pill, very unhealthy, and you can be sure after long term use, this drug leads to addiction.

    I'm sure the teachers detect any mental issues that the children may display, then the school councilor gets called upon he/she makes her assumption on the matter then the parents are called to a meeting with the teacher, councillor and head of the school, then you are put in touch with the appropriate Doctor, Therapist, etc.Then a prognosis is established confirming the schools suspicions, the child is put on medication and then the school breathes a sigh of relief and is more than happy to educate the child "only" if medicated.This answer is coming from someone that has a grandson with ADHD.


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