    Why hasn't the picture and details about Hillary and 16 women partying in Cartehenia, Columbia been talked about in the media.

    0  Views: 518 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    It appears to me there were a whole lot of people there, not just 16 women. They were at a night club, a hot spot, having fun. What's your issue?

    3 Answers

    Maybe because no one cares? I know I don't.

    CARTAGENA, Colombia — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton kicked back Saturday night, dancing and drinking beer at a local hotspot after a day of summit meetings in Cartagena.

    The AFP/Getty got images of the Secretary dancing at Café Havana with her hands up in the air and swigging a local brew with friends.
    Clinton and President Obama are spending the weekend in the resort town for the Summit of the Americas, along with the leaders of 33 Latin American countries. 


    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enjoys a relax momment at Cafe Havana in Cartagena, Colombia on April 15, 2012. Clinton is in Cartagena to attend the VI Summit of the Americas which closes on Sunday. STR/AFP/Getty Images

    I still see nothing to discuss here. Even politicians are allowed to let loose and have fun. 


    I'm glad she had some fun!!!!!

    I agree with Colleen. They are human and need to relax once in a while too. They are not doing anything wrong.

    Personally, it is none of my business what ANYBODY does on their off time. I hope they use that time well and actually relax......

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