    Can you logically have a Concrete Sidewalk resurfaced with Asphalt to cover over uneven lifted areas and deteriorating concrete surfaces.

    Condominium complex wants 30+ year old sidewalks repaired, especially "Trip & Fall areas of Sidewalks. We wondered if an logical option might be to just Re-surface with Asphalt.

    0  Views: 1808 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    If your going to resurface  the concrete no matter what you do the cracks, joints and bumps will come back over time,One method you can try is to take the high spots out with a jack hammer this will help take the curse off the "trip ares". Russ is right the best thing to do is excavate the old concrete and smooth out the area with a loot or a metal garden rake, chanced are you might need a bit more gravel to level it out properly, as well as a compacted ..good luck

    Yes, but be sure to bust up the concrete into gravel or remove it altogether and smooth it out to make a bed for the asphault.  If the concrete is uneven, the asphault will be too if you don't make a good bed for it.  Do it right!  Don't be cheap or lazy.  Asphault is a fine surface, but you have to prep underneath.

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