    A four-year old girl has an IQ of 169, near Einstein's level. Should we tell children their IQ's, or keep it from them?

    +1  Views: 1065 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    IQ tests have been known to be prejudice to certain culures and regions...and the reults can be skewed.... So, at most, they are to be used as one of several methods to determine intelligence.

    My guess is if she is near Einstein's IQ level, she already knows it-- At 4 years old she's already smarter than most of us.. :)  Well me anyway.


    .........not necessarily. Smarts isn't only found in books.

    I don't think any smarts are found in books, books are like templates based on someone else's mistakes and successes (science) Literature is coupling oneself with the master as it was written. Music books is someone elses composition and inspiration. When I play piano from a book, this does not make me an artist, it makes me a qualified medium, not smart, just able to convey the message in the music using my own talents, not those of the composer that wrote it. Experience is always best teacher, more 'smarts' are gained by intelligent decisions and ironically even more smarts are gained by one's own mistakes. JMO though. :)

    I agree with you, Bob. We're still dealing with a child, no matter how "classically" or "categorically" intelligent, still a child at age 4. Things change exponentially, though, as the years progress and you had better be ready for it.! Plus, there is intellectual intelligence as well as social intelligence,......let's hope and pray she has an equal dose of BOTH!!!!

    Tell them,.... Doing so helps them understand themselves much better and helps them reach their potential. Otherwise, they usually know they are very different but don't always know why, especially socially, and suffer, counterproductively and  needlessly for it.   But do it age approriately, not too young, still very much a child under age 8(doesn't think in adult terms at all yet), and not too old, over 13, where social damage would have probably already occurred.  Best of fortune for her!

    My mother always crammed my IQ down my throat leaving me feeling inadequate and having low self-esteem...........thus I never believed her..................

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