    how do I upload pictures from my galaxy v to my pc

    0  Views: 513 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Use the usb plug that came with your camera. Plug the small end into your camera and the large end into a usb port on your computer. You're user manual will show you how to do this. 


    Ok but what after that? I have a Galaxy S Vibrant .Is there a general way or is each individual brand different?

    After that a program will pop up and ask you where you want to download your pictures to. If your camera came with a cd, run that in your computer.

    I'm not familiar with that camera but it should have come with a USB  cable or micro sd card. The USB cable would be easy since you just plug the small end onto to your camera and the large end into a USB slot on your computer. Your computer should detect the "hardware" click on the option to view and transfer files. It should walk you through it from there.  If it's an sd or micro sd card, your computer or printer will must have a slot for sd cards. You may need an adapter to put the sd card into, then into the computer or printer. If you don't have the users manual you can go online and download a copy and it will tell you what you need to transfer the files. It's safer than guessing! Let us know what if that helps. :)

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