    why do black guys date white girls

    +1  Views: 1406 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Because they are all humans and part of the same world.



    bEST ANSWER!!..imho...:->

    Why shouldn't they,




    Flip, in case of of pic, Love is just perfect.

    Because they can?

    Why do black cats breed with white cats?


    A favorite expression of men is "All cats are gray in the dark "

    This type of attitude is why we still have so much trouble in the world.

    It's the same with religion.

    Same reason white guys date black girls, perhaps cause their in love as well as color blind...a great combination..

    Because they preffer them and they can.

    Why Not,??

    Perhaps they hit it off...............

    Not ALL black guys date white girls.  Don't you want to date someone you are attracted to because of looks, personality, similar values, brains (or lack of)?  ATTRACTION...there's no accounting for taste.

    Are you feeling inadequate,  insecure and a little less of a man, Chris?

    BTW, say "Cheese".



    I wonder these days why "some" people really care about it?

    If we can't have them, nobody else can, either?

    Probably for some of the same reasons that they would date a black girl.  IE; physical attraction, personality, companionship....

    Don't we all have different taste in mate and preferences in whom we date or marry? Most of us don't attract to same ethnic no matter how good looking or caring that person is or how load he/she is... I can be in the same room with full of the most hotties, but if I don't have that thing called chemistry or personality connection or attraction with anyone,,, it's just not working for me..

    Why does anyone date anyone???...Sounds a bit racist to me...I HOPE I`M WRONG!!!...

    It's only my opinion but they are generally better looking, not always though and some indian / asian women are phenominal looking. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep what you really need is personality and interlect  

    Maybe you should ask my friend, he's Chinese & is married to an Irishwoman.

    You bring up another question here; why does it matter?

    because they want sexual fulfillment with white girls. same as vice-versa for girls also.

     i think u all agree.


    No...They are hopefully out for an ALL ROUND for filling relationship!!...Some of you guys are making it sound like black/white people are a different species..WE ARE ALL VALUED PEOPLE...ALL EQUAL...I don`t like the tone of it being ALL about sex..and I hope others may agree with me??!

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