    why must we confess our sins to a priest only?

    +2  Views: 1070 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Are you Catholic?? You do this because you are required to do this. A Priest is not better than you, he is simply a priest ordained by the church to carry on the Church's duties.

    Why must we allow a judge act as god and sentence a person to die, he is no god but we accept the rules on the land and adhere to it, no different than any other 'organization' that must answer to a higher authority. Religion is for those that practice it and not others that do not understand it condemn it.

    I find it rather intriguing that even though the Holy Bible contradicts almost every teaching of the Catholic Church there are still millions of blind followers....i guess it must be easier to let other people do your thinking for you

    @ theern, I think the same about the Christians knowing what God has taught me. What you said of the Catholics, I've long applied to anyone of the lower God's followers.

    please explain this concept of lower god to all of us heathens Colleen... if you claim to follow a higher God than the one mentioned in the Holy Bible why not share him (or her, or it) with the world? What is this God's name? Where does this God come from? Has this God given mankind any religious texts? why has this God chosen you and no one else?

    I never called anyone a heathen. The lower Gods have their purposes. They were given their purposes by the Creator and they are loved by the Creator as they love IT. I claim to believe in the Creator of all things not a higher God. God is limiting. Gods can have negative emotions like anger, jealousy and hate. This limits them. The Creator knows only love. Love is freeing. It's name is a sound, it is love and it is light. IT has no beginning nor an end. IT has not chosen me, I found my way back to IT as we are all meant to do. IT is not a person or being so can not write in text or speak in voice. Only the lower Gods can do that because they were once mortal men, now Souls in the heaven worlds. Why do you believe I am the only one? You just assume so. Be careful with assuming. ;)

    Now to explain something before you ask, I do use the word "God" for IT only when conversing with religious people and that's simply because religious people (and even non religious) are more comfortable with the word God, than with the word IT or the usage of the word Creator.

    11 Answers

    You must be Catholic, I'm not. I can confess my sins to anybody who will listen............


    Ok, I volunteer. Tell Uncle Digger what bad things you've done since the last time you confessed.

    Uncle Digger??? How about Cousin Digger? and Please, you go first!! LOL

    From what i understand, Catholic priests believe they have the power to absolve the sins of mankind because of what Jesus says to his disciples in John Chapter 20 Verse 23 (KJV) "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain they are retained."

    But if you read the preceding verses, it becomes clear what Jesus is really talking about. John Chapter 20 V21-23 (KJV) "Then said Jesus to them again, "Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me,even so i send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them,"Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit,they are remitted unto them;and whose soever sins ye retain,they are retained." "

    Jesus says that only the Holy Trinity (God, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ) can absolve sins.


    Catholic priests are paedophiles and are into porn.

    Eggy, How nice of you to mention that. Not all priests are pedophiles or into porn.Its is comparable to when a black person kills a white person. do we label all black people as killers? There is good and bad in all religions and all of society.

    Sorry Ann but the Pope allowed the pedophile priests to be hidden or shuffled off to other churches where they could continue their harm and not be accountable to mans laws. This makes the whole religion guilty for not standing up to the Pope and telling him he was wrong for standing with the pedophiles.

    (Matt. 16:18) I will build My church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.
    country bumpkin

    Benthere: The Church that Jesus is talking about in the Bible is his Church. Not the Catholic church.

    Wasn't Peter the first pope ?

    Benthere, did Colleens answer not just prove that the gates of hell did prevail against the RCC?

    Joshua, is the Catholic church still standing....does it still function ?

    Hell hasn't closed down our parish....I still attend Mass every morning.

    So, no I don't blindly accept her proof as you.
    country bumpkin

    Benthere: No! Peter was Not the first Pope. I don't have time to explain it all to you know. I'll get it all in here as soon as I have time.

    No Joshua, my comment did not prove that. The Church still stands in spite of the transgressions of it's holy members. The Christian Church is not free of transgressions itself. Invading another's spiritual space is a transgression that goes against God's commandment of free will for one. But I'm not here to tear down either faith. Just notice your own spiritual backyard before you worry about another's.

    It's late, can't remember the verse, it's N.T. and I'm pretty sure I have it memorized, here goes "there is ONE mediator between man and God, the man Jesus Christ", pretty clear to me that we can pray directly to Jesus and bypass the pedo's...

    Because it has been the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Greek Orthodox church for 2000 years.Confessions are not mandatory in the Catholic Church, only if you commit a mortal sin.. Mortal sin is a violation of the commandment "to love God above all else and to love they neighbor as thyself. 

    It's an efficient screening system. Part of the Lean Process.

    You can confess your sins to anyone

    You can confess your sins to anyone although you may find that you end up a pariah or under lock and key for a long time

    KABOOM!!   Did you get your answer?  I know you got a lot of opinions!

    Not at all I am a good listener  also can help with problems for the Heart broken ones.need kind words of help.So talk to one who tells the truth of life. Not Mumble Jumble stuff out of a "Book.

    It's part of your churches dogma. The priest is the representitive for Jesus on this earth and you must go through him to confess your sins.

    Does anyone know where the act of confession originated and why?


    I honestly wonder how many Catholics do.

    Oh Shootah, it was after Jesus rose from the dead and spoke to the Apostles. He gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit (Ghost, when we were kids), then said, "whomever's sins you remit (forgive), shall be remitted, whomever's sins you retain, shall be retained."
    Confession is to purify your soul, so you can attain Heaven.
    These are not my beliefs, Shootah. Just telling you what I remember from childhood. :)

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