    a cat scratch my hand and shoulder what what should i do?

    +1  Views: 1100 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Wash the scratch immediately with an antiseptiic, and yes i agree with lindilou, have a tetanus shot if you are due for one.

    Get a tetanus shot if you have not had one in the past 10 years.

    Call your doctor for advice on this.  You don't want to turn a minor problem into a major one.

    "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" doesn't pertain here.

    Clean it with alcohol (ouch) and dry it.  After, apply an antibiotic salve and bandage.

    Wash the areas well and place an anti-biotic ointment on them..try to repeat this several times a day- keep dry.  A tetanus shot is recommended (you have 24 hours to get one from the time of the scratch).  Watch for swelling reddness and pus.  You may also need an antibiotic.  Even good kitties with regular vaccinations can spread tetanus and other diseases through scratches and bites!


    So DOO. you are saying "You are "WALTER MITTY.I always knew that .My "Psycho said that as well Anyway I am Spoken for.So my wife keeps telling me !!She keeps "Singing Far away Make my "Day.

    "Meet my "Trouble in strife "Wife .Know the song
    "YOU CAN HAVE HER "( jerry lee lewis )He should know "Married "EIGHT TIMES !!

    "OH a sad Tale DOO Mummy has just informed that my Daddy was indeed "WALTER MITTY .The unicorn and his "White coat "Followers took him away I always thought He Joined the "Foreign Legion all those years.I was looking for a "French Letter! from him.



    Good Grief- then aab will have scratches all over!!! Stir, Stir, Stir the pot!! LOL

    Re my name..and the white coats coming to take me away...Read The Secret Life of Walter Mitty- The Unicorn in the Garden! HaHa- it is not I they will be taking away!!!

    Dowsa...In the Unicorn in the Garden- well, geez, read it again. Yes You are married- and someday I would like to meet your lovely wife!

    Hmmm...they should have taken Mummy away- according to the story..Eh, Mummy/ Daddy- whoever LOL

    Just to be on the safe side check to see if your will is up to date and signed. At the first sign of a fever call the emergency service or call 911.


    Give your hand a good clean withh antiseptic, even the cleanest of cats can carry nasties in their claws.

    In 2010 fifty two thousand people died of Rabies, I was not one of them. I  knew the cat was Rabid by the size of it's swollen head, I lived on an experimental farm at the time  had to wait for my field hands to return from their assignment. Four hours later swelling, and pain had reached my hips. It was a strain associated with coyote's. Ten shots went directly into the wounds,Two shots in the arms. Thesee were followed up by other shots at different intervals for five weeks.

    I lost fifty five pounds,Three months of sleep of any kind,Night sweats every night, Nightmares, High fevers, Dizzyness, Pain that was new to me, I entered and left delusions for ninty days.My workers saved my life.

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