    why does my mum always shout at me is it because she hates me or loves me

    +3  Views: 981 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    She probably worries about you and does not know how to talk to you without reaching a worrisome state. Perhaps her parents yelled at her, so she is simply behaving in the way that she learned as a little child. Also, consider what happens between you when yelling begins. You may see some of your behavior that triggers hers. I bet she loves you and wants to keep you safe; she wants you to hear her. Try a different way of responding when she yells and see if it makes a difference. Maybe listen and then respond in a way that she knows you heard. Or at a cooler time, as her why yelling occurs.

    How old are you? Does your mom think you are sexy?

    18 Answers

    If you want your Mum to stop yelling at you then you have to remain calm yourself and not yell back.

    She is probably stressed out and needs your help and co-operation, not you waiting to do the things you should, only after she's asked you five or six times.

    You could even show her that you love and appreciate all she does for you. Why not surprise her and do things before it's asked of you. See some dishes in the sink? Wash them up. Living room untidy? Clean it up.

    In life we get nice reactions from people, family included, by being kind and thoughtful to them.

    Think about if, if your mother did not love you she would not CARE what you did.

    Of course she loves you




    Moms tend to shout if they don't feel they are being heard. Listen to you mother and she won't yell so much............


    When your mom is shouting at you cause parents if they see something is really wrong with their children they have the right to warn their children and talk to them even if they shout that means they love their children more than anything in the world and cause is not the shout of hates its the shout of deep love cause parent can't show what they have for their children and that's good to hidden your love from your children cause when you show them your love and caring they will think that parents are very stupid but they are not stupid at all......that's the way a true parent can teach their children how to survive in this world .............

    Your like every other child, you don't listen or you ignore .What else do you expect her to do, it is actually her love shouting anyone else didn't respond and she would not bother to ask or tell again ,think yourself lucky.

    Your mom loves you.  She is shouting at you because she is under the misconception that if she speaks LOUDER, you will HEAR her, LISTEN to her, and DO WHAT YOU ARE ASKED.  It is a common mistake parents make when they have children who have reached their teenage years and think their parents are stupid.  She will outgrow it when you are 32.
    You have chosen the name "sexybabe6701", which tells me that you are possibly trying to act way older than you are and may even be one of those sad and pathetic girls who think she needs to have a baby daddy before she is old enough to have a driver's license.  

    I found this on-line.Ask your Mom to read it if she's not too busy shouting at you! I don't shout...I speak in quieter tones so my children must get quiet to hear me>>>>Read here>>>Shouting at children, according to a recent study by psychiatrists at a hospital affiliated to Harvard Medical School, can significantly and permanently alter the structure of their brains. It was only inordinate self-restraint - of the kind I never display towards my kids - that stopped me marching them straight off for a brain scan.

    Ours is a Sturm und Drang household, with shouting matches, screaming fits, and temper tantrums - and that's just the parents. The neighbours have been warned, even the kids have been warned. At two, my first-born could do a passable imitation of me yelling (and she did, to all-comers). And one of her sibling's early sentences was: "You're a lovely Mummy, but a shouty one."

    The Harvard study comes in the wake of the revelation that Jennifer Aniston, the Friends star, is not on speaking terms with her mother, partly because she shouted at the actor when she was a child. "Yes, I shouted," admitted Mom, "but a lot of my friends yell at their kids." Please God my girls never make it to Hollywood.

    Is shouting at one's children the ultimate parental taboo? Certainly, it contravenes all the good parenting slogans. Shouting at children shows them that you're out of control - and I am. The reassuring thing is that almost everyone seems to do it: rarely before in my writing life have I found such an eager queue of volunteer interviewees. And almost everyone admits that it doesn't work.

    She may not realise she is shouting!  Myself I refuse to hear people who shout because I think they are out of control! However I am in my sixties so I 've been around longer>.  Ask nicely for her to speak quieter.  Remember.. Do not yell! I'm sure she loves you!

    It might be that you are naughty ,but i agree im sure she loves you,

    If your mother is sober and not stoned, chances are that she worries about you. Young people tend to be a bit stupid about life. If mom is yelling, listen to what's being said. If you have a shred of intelligence, you'll see she probably has a reason to rag at you.


    Note the name adopted for use here....not surprised mom is beside herself.
    ed shank

    I just noticed. Having a positive attitude about how you perceive yourself especially at a young age is not a bad thing. Perhaps mom is experiencing some flash backs of her own.

    Ah, yes. Do as I say, not as I do. Or, just because I did it doesn't make it right. OUCH, the past hurts when it bites you in the butt.

    If you listen to her and pay attention, she won,t have to shout. She does it, because she loves you.

    Maybe you drive her crazy, stop and think about what you are doing, then she may not shout at you so much.

    I would bet on it that she loves you, she is probably fed up with you not listening to her or you not doing as you are told, just remember you only have one mom, treat her with love and respect and i am sure she will treat you the same .

    I think she loves you...

    she still love you. you have to stop being bad

    Mom's scold because we care. It's if she stops scolding is when you should worry.

    When your mom is shouting at you cause parents if they see something is really wrong with their children they have the right to warn their children and talk to them even if they shout that means they love their children more than anything in the world and cause is not the shout of hates its the shout of deep love cause parent can't show what they have for their children and that's good to hidden your love from your children cause when you show them your love and caring they will think that parents are very stupid but they are not stupid at all......that's the way a true parent can teach their children how to survive in this world .............


    Good moms do not shout. They know they can instruct their children in calm reasonable tones. To shout is to try and control and control is a negative. Shouting moms are negative people who will only breed more negative. Negative is the precursor to violence. Stop shouting. Love does not shout. It envelopes is a quiet and peaceful manner. Love sets you free, it does not bind. A person who shouts all the time is not in full charge of their emotions.

    Mums are people too, sometimes say or do things without thinking or sometimes just lose their temper too, it doesn't make it right but understand she probably has other worries as well, and also may be very tired, perhaps you could do something nice for her, help her with some chores or make her a cuppa,I'm sure she loves you and would appreciate it

    It's a mom's job to nag her children . At least, my mom thought so. She was a proffessional nagger when it came to me.She nagged me even into adulthood. But, when I was grown up , she gave me a half-hearted apology. She laughingly said they reason she nagged me was b/c she wanted to make me perfect.


    P.S. my mom was a very good mother.

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