    how young is the earth?

    +2  Views: 697 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    I believe there is absolute evidence it is only 6000 years.But think about it?without someone putting the idea of millions or billions of so called years.we have the most accurate timeline that follows the bloodlines back to the first Man and Woman Adam and Eve in the record of The Life Manual, The Holy Bible!

    11 Answers

    You 'believe' there is evidence the earth is only 6k years old or you have 'proof' the earth is only 6k years old?? The evidence against your claim is much stronger due to Carbon14 dating which is fairly accurate within a few thousand years. or less.. This dating process has been around since the 1940's, today there are even more accurate means of dating- - just recently there was evidence of bacteria life here on earth that was estimated to be 3.8 billion years old. (Australia) The earth itself is estimated at 4.5 billion years old. I will go with the science facts rather than hearsay speculation. :).

    About four and a half billion years.

    Do you know about Quantum physics??? No??  Well then I will respond this way.  God's time and Our time are not one in the same.  So, Following creationism...I do not believe that God created everything in 7 24hr days.  I believe that Genesis outlines the order in which things took place.  I also believe that each day could have actually have taken many,many,many of our centuries to occur.  Time helps us organize our lives- it helps us keep order of things.  I'm not convinced "our timing" is God's timing.....  This is an expression I love "God is Good!  He is slow, but He is Good! other words He's in no rush and does not use our timing to get things accomplished!  So, 6000 years is a time reference so is 6 billion....Which leads me back to Quantum Physics and the relativity of time.


    Perfect, Doo!

    Thanks D!!!

    "brill, DOO.I knew something was coming through with you and IT just did .Great reply

    If you believe in the "Good Book", you must believe that the planet earth is either flat, round or square.

    Personally, I believe its' shape to be spherical. But what do I know ?


    Spherical is cool by me!

    The oldest living thing on Earth is the Bristlecone pine. This tree has been dated back 5,000 years and dead specimens further than that by dendrochronology ( tree-ring dating) so the earth must be more than 6,000 years old. Nutty creationists will say that sometimes the tree may have produced more growth rings some years.

    Only muslims and Republicans believe the 6K  year Creationist  , Koranic, Genesis account.


    Your political addendum is obviously wrong as for the Republican part, I am a true 'red blooded' American Republican and Conservative and if you will read my reply you will see that I also agree that the earth is older than 6k years. Associating a Muslims and the Koran is way off.. LOL

    It seems to me that many Republican politicians follow the Creationist agenda.

    Totally off the subject...your "name" was used in an American TV show. I saw the re-run last night. I immediately thought of my favorite nomdeplume-YOU!!!

    Thanks, doo, I hope the other NDP was less confrontational and cynical than me!

    6000 years old, i have rocks in my tropical fish tank older than that from the grand canyon!!!!!!if anybody thinks the world is less than four and a half years old follow the strata down the canyon and see the history of the earth in full.forget all the brainwashing and look at the evidence with an open mind..

    From what I gather roughly 6000 years old, but thats my opinion which i hold dearly..

    Time only matters when you are limited by time.

    A man who runs a Conspiracy Theories Exhibition in Blackpool, England once told me he believed the Earth was 40 billion years old, and that humans were genetically engineered from a lion and an ape.


    Okee dokee.

    Earth was created in six days, thanks for trying to correct me though, and no, actual Christians still observe Saturday. The Jews didn't pick when to observe the Sabbath, in Genesis 1:5 it says "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." The Jews didn't pick when the Sabbath started or ended, they simply were following God's command.


    Sorry doolittle, accidentaly made a new answer, again...

    Interesting question, kinda surprised to see it actually... I was thumbing through a Catholic Bible a while ago and right next to the very first verse in the Bible there is an asterisk. In the notes it says that it was not six literal days. Fairly recently the Pope said God used evolution in his plan for us. What they fail to realize is that God blesses the Sabbath day, he doesn't bless a long period of time, he blesses the literal day on which he rested. As far as scientific evidence goes, well, 99% of scientists accept the 4.5 billion year theory so it's difficult to find any, but there is still some really solid evidence out there. Take for example the multiple layers of the earth, if the earth were so old this layering would be quite universal around the world... Truth is, the only place where these layers are uniform are in textbooks. The grand canyon proves that these layers aren't universal. Carbon-14 dating is unreliable, a Hawaiian lava flow known to be less than 200 years old was dated at 3 billion years.. Living snails have been radiometrically dated by Carbon-14 to be 2,300 years old. New wood in growing tress has been dated at 10,000 years. Oil and gas deposits under the earth are still under great pressure, that's why we can still extract them fairly easily, if billions of years had gone by it would be almost impossible to extract. We can also estimate the age of the earth by population, if we've been here so long then why does the world's population fit a 4,500 year time frame? There's a lot more evidence but to make my point brief I will cover one last thing, the earth's magnetic field. The earth's magnetic field decay's exponentially and has a half life of 1,400 years, if you back this up billions or even millions of years it would be so strong that life couldn't have existed on this planet. This also explains why people lived so long in antiquity because the strength of the field would have been optimal, they re-created what the field would have been like a few thousand years ago on small animals and they lived much much longer, also the human gene pool was much stronger, that's why it's feasible that we decended from Noah.


    To conclude, the only reason the earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old is because in order for the evolution theory to be correct you need time, and a lot of it.


    Sweetie- Genesis has 7 days, not 6...and the Jewish folks picked Fri Sundown to Sat Sundown to observe the sabboth...Christians use Sun...Find this in the Bible and please give Book and verses when you respond.

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