    with the weather like it is,do you think revelation is close at hand?

    0  Views: 458 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Not at all. Since man has been able to write and speak, the end has always been near.

    The Earth has seen lots of crazy weather, long before humans roamed the Earth.

    In the future, it will only get worse as the moon moves further away from Earth (acts as a stabilizer for Earth's rotation) and the sun starts to expand as it gets closer to it's death. Eventually, Earth's oceans will boil away and "weather" as we know it won't exist. By that time, we probably won't exist either.
    No. Not at all. We've been through this "ending of the world" scare before. We're all still here.
    Yes it is.. March 12th 2012 read your bible the book of Revelations. Everything is comming to pass.. as it should be
    Dear Lord

    Will you will everything you own to me? This will show your level of faith in what your bible says.

    Are you still thinking about it? Are you questioning your faith?
    Grit Savage

    I think you are on to a nice little earner there Colleen. ;-)

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