    Be nice to your children,they will choose your nursing home,

    +7  Views: 1236 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    No nursing home for me.


    It is a place where people go to eventually die. No one comes out of there alive.

    I call them God's waiting rooms, no, not for me either

    I will refuse to go into a nursing home, I'll find some way out of it..............


    jhharlan.You can stay with me."But you have to be fit for house work 24/7 Roof over your head "TENT in the back garden Food that the pets leave."OH also can you change "Incontinent pants "YES !!. Good come over

    I don't do enough housework, I cook and clean up after but forget dusting and such as that.....oh, well............

    Love it, Hector.

    This is in a similar vein:

    Be Nice To Your Kids, They Will Write Your Obituary!

    Dolores Aguilar, born in 1929 in New Mexico, left us on August 7, 2008. She will be met in the afterlife by her husband, Raymond, her son, Paul Jr., and daughter, Ruby.
    She is survived by her daughters Marietta, Mitzi, Stella, Beatrice, Virginia and Ramona, and son Billy; grandchildren, Donnelle, Joe, Mitzie, Maria, Mario, Marty, Tynette, Tania, Leta, Alexandria, Tommy, Billy, Mathew, Raymond, Kenny, Javier, Lisa, Ashlie and Michael; great-grandchildren, Brendan, Joseph, Karissa, Jacob, Delaney, Shawn, Cienna, Bailey, Christian, Andre Jr., Andrea, Keith, Saeed, Nujaymah, Salma, Merissa, Emily, Jayci, Isabella, Samantha and Emily. I apologize if I missed anyone.
    Dolores had no hobbies, made no contribution to society and rarely shared a kind word or deed in her life. I speak for the majority of her family when I say her presence will not be missed by many, very few tears will be shed and there will be no lamenting over her passing.
    Her family will remember Dolores and amongst ourselves we will remember her in our own way, which were mostly sad and troubling times throughout the years. We may have some fond memories of her and perhaps we will think of those times too. But I truly believe at the end of the day ALL of us will really only miss what we never had, a good and kind mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I hope she is finally at peace with herself. As for the rest of us left behind, I hope this is the beginning of a time of healing and learning to be a family again.
    There will be no service, no prayers and no closure for the family she spent a lifetime tearing apart. We cannot come together in the end to see to it that her grandchildren and great-grandchildren can say their goodbyes. So I say here for all of us, GOOD BYE, MOM.


    so sad, I truly feel for you but maybe more for the things she missed

    Well, Lambie,I have no idea who this lady is but her family dealt with it the way they wanted to, I suppose.

    Your question would make a good bumper sticker.

    You would be right except i don't have kids, perhaps the state will take care of me i hope after all why do i bother paying taxes..


    wouldn't count on it


    Not my mom, she picked her own.

    My husband and I have a pact, no nursing home, no matter what

    They may choose it but will they pay for it?

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