    Can chicken breast be safe 3 days past sell by date

    +1  Views: 3642 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I would not risk it,chicken is notorious for bacteria, let alone a piece that is out of date. Have you ever had salmonella poisoning ?It is not pleasant.

    I wouldn't take that risk with chicken either.

    I would risk it if only I knew the chicken had been kept really, really cold and didn't smell. Trust your nose....


    YOU saying I have a big "NOSE !!

    Not exactly..........

    I wouldn’t have chicken that is even one day past the date. I seldom have chicken but when I do I wear latex gloves when I wash it. After it’s washed, I use a new pair of gloves to prepare it. After all that, I scrub my hands well enough to do surgery. Could it be that I have a little OCD ... or maybe I have Chicken Phobia.  Anyway, be careful.



    My"Chicken`s"Breast`s are alright .Ben looking at tham for "Fifty years " still same shape smell "WOW" ."OH I have my "Breast to keep me "Warm !!."SORRY We talking about the same kind of "Chicken ??

    It can be. Meat has to have an expiration date at least one week before it should expire I believe. Also, unless it is guaranteed fresh (never frozen) it actually has a few days after the expiration date because it was shipped frozen and kept frozen until it was put on the refrigerated meat shelf. If it doesn't smell bad, then it's probably OK. You're on your own if you decide to chance it. 

    Not worth risking food poisoning, sometimes the use by date refers to the "best by date" and depending on the food is often still O.K a little after the date, but chicken is not worth the risk.


    I use to work in a meat dept. We cooked up the chicken that was 1-3 days past the sell by date. This was sold as the store roasted chicken. I got to do the sniff test to make sure the chicken was still good enough to cook. I hated that job. I also know to never by store cooked chicken because it's chicken that can no longer be sold raw.

    yes Colleen, and many moons ago I worked in a pizza shop, lots of tacky salami and slimy mushrooms, I was amazes no one got ill (I would report that now, by was young at the time)

    Oh yes! My year in the deli! Just wash the tacky off the salami, and the slimy off any of the meats and if any of the meats were turning green, trim the green off and make sandwiches to sell.

    Only if it were frozen , but then again i'm not 100% sure..

    I would not personally chance it but remember, the 'sell by' date is not the 'eat by' date.  Depending what you are buying, some perishables will deteriorate faster than others after the sell by date.  I don't chance it on meat or vegetables products, including eggs but canned goods and dry food I will push the limit.   

    Do the smell test and if it's OK just salt the chicken heavily and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before washing it in coldest water,Then marinate or dry marinate and cook as usual!

    I too have been in need, as a college kid, we used to clean peoples freezers out, (still working, not broken down freezers) we would take most of the meat and eat it.  It was sometimes a year old, but frozen.  There is a difference between freezer burn, and decomposing meat.   I have washed off meat that was questionable, but passed the sniff test.  I was at a restaurant and had meat once that even cooked, did not pass the sniff test!   With chicken so prone to salmonella, I would not take the chance, for what cost, price of chicken is cheap compared to an infection...  

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