    what do you do when your girl friend gets mad at you for two weeks without saying anything?

    +4  Views: 908 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago
    Bern Burrows

    imagine u wronged her

    If you love her, the rings the answer.
    If you don't, well, what I said.
    Bern Burrows

    yap dude

    I would be mad too and worse if my man tries to date my best friend. She must be a saint to keep up with you
    rick screen

    You need to start thinking of her no longer being your girlfriend.

    20 Answers

    Let's start with finding out why she is upset with you.  I'm sure there is a reason as people are usually not angry "for no reason".

    Bern Burrows

    wow u know girls usualy get upset even for no reason jst to test your mind and love

    Wrong! If you think that, then you are not ready for a relationship! She'll be upset with you...regularly!

    Wow, I disagree with that! I will get the silent treatment and never know why. just take advantage of the peace. I learned years ago never question silence.

    Ah!!  The silent treatment, every woman has this talent by default.  When you get married, the default silent treatment is a good thing!  Take advantage of the silence!  Now's your time to get even and say what really bugs you..  This will break their silent treatment every time!   She'll be speaking before you get your first 3 words out.. LOL

    Bern Burrows

    hahha thats cool,

    Good one Vinny.TU

    Why is it that the "motor mouths" always say that they love the silence? It's probably "their" own voices that "they" are sick of hearing! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    (I'm sure that I'll pay for this one.)

    I ain't never met a woman that didn't have a ratchet for a jaw!! My wife gets on a roll with her daughter on the phone and they can talk 3 hours, no breaks! I listen in the first 10 minutes they cover everything to be covered, the next 2 hours and 50 minutes is saying the same thing but finding different ways to say it. Somehow, its all new to them.. I just don't get it. When I talk on the phone, I say what is to be said and that's it!! :)

    Vin, Man, You are from Mars....You will never understand women as they come from Venus!!!! :)

    Buy her an engagement ring, or tell her to

    Bern Burrows

    wow how can u start

    Two answers? gets a "10" and the other gets a "0"! Did one of them work for YOU? LOL!!!

    Worked for me the first time!
    Only lasted 3 months though.

    You never know!!!!!

    On this rare occasion Romos I don't agree with you.(But I TU'd you anyhow).LOL

    She not talking or being a girlfriend in any way? I would suggest you treat her the same, there are other fish in the sea...............

    You have to find out what has upset her, she at least owes you an explanation.Sounds to me there are some mind games getting played.


    He asked elsewhere if it's okay to date your girlfriend's best friend.

    TALK TO HER!!!!!""


    Oh my! They both need a good teeth brushing! Off I go...back in a "bit" . LOL

    That's RIGHT ! Show her who's king of the jungle.

    I dont think men notice when they say or do something that upsets a woman. But women always notice.Simply ask her what you did to upset her. and admit to everything she says. Good way to make peace. 

    If she hasn't spoken for 2 weeks then she is manipulating you.Find another GF. WBMA.


    what is WBMA??

    WBMA. (Would be my advice)

    AH...Thanks..don't know why it took me so long to ask!

    Enjoy the time you see her, decide it's time to quietly go take a nice long nap right in front of her.


    If you're going to make her mad...might as well make sure you make her good and mad!

    If he does that, I hope she is smart enough to get out now. Why would she want to stay with someone who "works" at hurting her? That is not where the effort should be.

    Stop fooling around: she found out you you are dating your best friend girl friend

    If she is not speaking to you because you went out with her best friend, I don't blame her. If you haven't done something despicable (and only you would know), then I'd say it's time to be single for a while.  I love a good game (baseball, football, Scrabble, for example) , but relationship games are NOT fun.

    Back in the doghouse, again.



    i think leaving her for some time will do hhu?


    Good idea...maybe not a good match...maybe too young yet. Good luck.

    Maybe...depends how deep your interest goes...she's stonewalling you man!As a female I talk too much to be a stonewaller!Aha!I'd rather talk and make up...way better fun!:D

    Hope she finds some one she can trust, and kick you to kerb.

    I had a  friend like that once. We used to sit on the train every morning. After she did that I changed carriages. Give her a pair of marching boots and ignore her. Find someone else.

    What no icy glares???

    lindilou you know Mrs. Shadenfroid!?!

    Try on one of her negleshades,and give her the cold sholder,

    Run, Forest, run !  Find one that communicates verbally. What she's looking for is a doormat for a future husband. If that title doesn't quite do it for you, say ADIOS AMIGA.


    Do you think that she tried and he didn't listen????

    I can only go by what he says. If she DID, then he's lying and SHE should be the one doing the running.

    Re The lions....The King of the Jungle, as you say, depends on the Queen and her sisters to feed his a__! ROFL!!!

    Try on one of her negleshades,and give her the cold sholder,only once by the way,

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