    what is the cost of construction of the Titaninic in 2012 us dollars, if the 1912 cost was $7.5 million?

    +1  Views: 780 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I don't know but thar she blows!!!(heehee)""

    Around 17 million in 2011 dollars

    The inflation rapidly building in the US economy, by the $5,000,000,000,000 Obama has added to the nation debt, it will by closer to 29 million if God help us if he is re-elected.




    Thank you Jack, but I suspect the answer is much higher. Jack, your answer was clearly a guess. In the future, please give accurate answers and cite your source or methodology. Also, refrain from political commentary.
    Jack Large

    I did fiend a source, but it was in 2009 dollars so I guess AROUND another million.

    I found the answer to my question: 

    According to the US Inflation calculator, the answer is $172,471,969.70, and the annual rate of inflation change has been 2199.6%.


    Hey Russ, I don't know what site you thought you were on but we are a little more relaxed than your demands. Everyone here is a volunteer and they do their best. :)
    Good on you though for being innovative enough to use the internet you asked the question with in order find the answer on your own. The internet, what a marvelous thing!

    Oh and by the way, I agree with Jack. Obama and his administration need to go! They are way too demanding too :)

    <comment moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 1605


    Thanks for your feedback, but what's the value of the site if you can't trust the answers? Jack wasn't even in the ballpark. I would never presume to answer a question on this site unless I was confident in my answer or had a solid source. And if I want political opinion, I'll go to another site. I will try to lighten up, though. Thanks, again!
    Edit this answer Delete answer

    and that's why when you know a person is wrong, you provide the correct answer on your own. Yup, it's that relaxed here. The admin want the members to enjoy their time here. They know Jack gives his best suggestion as an answer but they also know someone will post a correct answer if he is wrong. There is no stated guarantee anywhere that the volunteers will always be correct.

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