    Anyone have a seating chart of Comerica Theater -- Phoenix, AZ?

    0  Views: 3697 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    You can purchase up to 13 seats in a row together in the pits!So it stands to reason that there are 13 seats to a row in the pit seating area!Peace.Guessing that seat number begins at the far left facing stage in pit # 2 so you'd be in the 5th and 6th chairs from left facing stage.

    1 Answer

    Here is that seating chart you ordered!>>>


    Thank you, lindilou! BUT.... what I really wanted is a seating chart of Comerica Theater in Phoenix, AZ that tells me approximately where every seat is in the various sections. For example, your seating chart is very good, but it only tells me a few things (most of them important) about where any seat is located. 1. I see that rows are numbered from Row 1 in the very front of the auditorium, to row number 35 at the edge of the main floor. 2. I also can see that each section in the hall starts a new series of seat numbers, with seat number 1 being the right-most (as you look at the stage) edge of the section, with the left-end seat in the row being number "XYZ." What I want is a seating chart that gives row start and end numbers. I have the row start number location. With row end numbers, I can generalize where any seat is located. Let's get a real question for answering....

    My question is as follows: Let's say I have seats reserved in Section Pit 2, Row 1, Seats 17-18. Where are my seats in relation to the center of the stage? By looking at Section Pit 2, I know Row 1 is next to the stage. Seat 1 is at the center of the stage. If I know how many seats are in row 1, I can generalize where seats 17-18 are located. Can you get me an answer? I'd be very grateful! Thanks!

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