    Do you think that time travel has ever been, is now or ever will be possible?

    +1  Views: 514 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Hmmm...I don't know.  It's fun to think about.  Somehow, I think God wants us learning from the past and present and relying on Him for the furture.

    Chaplin Don

    Very insifghtful. I agree completly.I'm thinking in terms of prophetic revelation. Did Ezekiel, Daniel and John actually travel to the future and witness first hand the events they propesied or was it just in their minds?

    Only if we can exceed the speed of light.........

    I’m quite sure we will learn to control time, correct errors in the past and delay the effects of errors while they can be corrected. It is no more difficult than solving any other problem. Time is a an idea that was made by man and by learning to control time and the effects of time we demonstrate just how silly the belief in “times long march ” …..really!

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