    Why are African politicians corrupt

    0  Views: 818 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    I know that American politicians are corrupt. I think Corrupt is just another word for politicians. many Lawyers become politicians, so therfore, laywers must be corrupt too. not to mention they get a big tax break because they are lawyers. I think lawyers are politicians in training pants.  I don't know much about African Politicians but this is my story and I'm sticking to it.  



    Find a politician that is Not corrupt, not easy.

    It really doesn't pay that well and many of them become career politicians and leave very high paying jobs to pursue a life in politics. This alone makes me go 'Hmmmmm?"
    Payoffs, benefits, power and celebrity status. I doubt seriously that any of them actually have 'the people' in their political agenda.

    All politicians are corrupt.  It comes with the job.

    because they are politicians. It's a politician's job to lie and twist situations around to benefit him or his constiuency. By the way, a politician's main job is to get re elected.

    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

    Bishop Mandell Creighton

     are you kidding yourself.  there may be some .  and thoes may have gotten caught. but  i have close acess to  many politicians and the white ones  they are just as  quilty  at things.    and i am white.    i have see it  in both. and i have seen greatness in both.. its just the  ones who do bad stand out but many do not get caught


    Did you go to school, granny 'cause you can't spell for nuts?

    There are many white African politicians

    I agree most countries have corrupt politicians

    I think you'll find it's a requirement of the trade, it isn't just African polititicians it's all .

    First of all Africa is a continent with Multiple countries.  Some are as corrupt as the US and some European countries, some are more, and perhaps a few less..bad idea to put so many countries together as one!

    The challenge here is to find a country that doesn't have corrupt politicians.



    I can't think of one...But the Continent of Antarctica doesn't seem corrupt. I think it's the penguins! Penguins are awesome...and have to band together for survival...all those daddies huddled together keeping the eggs warm...and the mommies working together to fish and keep their enemies at bay...Yup, it's the Penguins. Penguins aren't corrupt!

    Because they are like politicians everywhere. They are all corrupt. The one that say they arn't have just phased laws to call their corruptness by another name.

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