    How are your kids doing in this life?

    +1  Views: 529 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    My children are beautiful people!!My nearly 17 year old is bound to the study of astro-physics and is an amazing team-player,musician,and top-honors student who has helped in the development of a Down syndrome boy greatly as a role model and mentor.She possesses an intrinsic ability to negotiate and mediate...she once snatched me out of harms' way so is also my secret hero!My youngest is a force to be reckoned with oft times.She is pseudoachondroplasic,a very tiny but spritely lady at 3 feet tall,48 pounds.At 13 she aspires to be a make-up artist or the Queen of Everything,whichever comes first!Her mobility is compromised due to bowed legs and spinal scoliosis which she handles like a trooper!She resembles me so I lovingly refer to her sometimes as "mini-me"!!I love them like I love air...essentially!!Peace.


    What a nice Mom!!!! I'm glad they are both doing well!

    Thanks Doc!!I am making a valiant effort!!They keep me rockin' that's for sure!!

    The 25 year old is dad to 2 young daughters with a son on the way. Hopefully the baby will not be born with drug-induced defects and my son won't be in jail and miss the happy occasion. 
    My middle son has done a ton of reading over the past 12 months in county jail. He should be moving along to the next county jail in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, he won't be sentenced to  6 years in prison.
    The 21 year old thinks he can control every aspect of the relationship he has with his fiancee and can provide a substantial income by winning $215/day at the roulette wheel. Hopefully, he will get his head out of his *** before he gets married and loses every penny he has.
    My 3 sons are fantastic, intelligent, funny, talented, handsome, and insightful people who have made some horrible choices in their short lives.  I have faith they will get their lives together and have happy, healthy, clean and sober lives.  When is the big question! 

    ed shank

    Bob, Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. I've been in both situations, spent some time in the slammer. Have a son who for a short time followed in my footsteps as well. I was lucky, saw what I became and hated what I saw. I changed my life around completely. My son did as well. He has always been a ladies man, can't be faithful for a week. Women gravitate toward him like flies on s***. How his wife puts up with it is beyond me. I don't know where he got that from, certainly not from me or my wife. She will be staying with us for a while till she decides if and when to dump him (I hope). People can and do change. I hope your boys see the light and do the right thing. If they don't, no reflection on you.

    Just sending you love and strength and hoping that you get some let up soon...Someday soon they will amaze you and get back on track..We lost every shred of hope for two of ours ,they lost the way bigtime...SEE them now..UNBELIEVABLE CHANGES IN BOTH!!:-¬..SO NEVER GIVE UP!!
    Love and best wishes, millie xx

    Thanks ed and millie. I haven't given up! Your encouragement is much appreciated. XO

    Financially great. He's got all his toys. Morally, lacking. Mid life crisis I guess.


    I certainly hope the day they look at themselves and want to make changes comes soon. What made you wake up and smell the coffee? My middle one sees things clearly now...I can't believe putting him in prison for 6 years will make him a better citizen... I say they make their own choices and the consequences are theirs, but I realize it really does affect me quite a bit. I appreciate your always kind words and thoughts.

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