    what is the life expectation for humans?

    +3  Views: 730 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Like the Song." I AM GOING TO LIVE FOR EVER"


    Freddy Mercury???

    Wis it BIN Laden .Heard he is holding the under water record !!

    You'd need to consider where people live, nutrition, pollution, hygiene, habits such as smoking, heredity, environment (stressful, peaceful), profession, medical advancements (and I use the term loosely)....the list is enormous.
    My mom is 93, yet one of her sisters died of a heart attack at 56.  That's an average of 74.5. My dad died at 87 and his brother is still alive at 94.  That's an average of 90.5.  The average of those 4 is 82.5. Now, let's include my mother's brother who lived only two days.  That averages out to 66.  Too many variables. 


    Some ages Bob I have a good chance for long life. don't smoke don't drink don't go with strange woman "Oh never answer back to my wife .Bite her toe nails .Hates clippers.What do you think ?? Live longer than my wife`s "Tongue!!

    Remember to put your own 30yrs into your average!

    dowsa: YOU bite your wife's toenails FOR her?


    Bob .Yes its the only Calcium I get I also lick her toes as well ."OH she cries does that turn you on. .She gets an "Orgasm I "Faint."OH she said You got one as well !!

    I'll say70 yr anything above that is a bonus.


    Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute now!!!!!!!!

    Evertday on this side of the grass is a bonus for me.

    Let's take this question from another angle.  
    Human life expectation:  Be born healthy, into a family that includes a loving father, mother (aka husband, wife) and possibly some other children. The extended family consists of a variety of people who are cheerful, healthy and congenial.  You live in a house that is warm in the winter, cool in the summer, has a yard with grass, flowers, a big ol' goofy dog that loves you better than anybody else, and maybe some other pets or animals. Perhaps you live in an apartment or on a farm, but wherever it is, you are safe and content.
    You go to school, where you get along well with other kids and establish lifelong friendships. You respect your teachers and peers, study hard, and manage to keep a GPA of 3.5+.  You enjoy sports, creative pursuits, music, and many other activities.  You seem to excel at a couple of them, so you join a team...drama, debate, soccer, swim, tennis....whatever.  
    You have responsibilities at home, and you get along with your siblings and parents.  You volunteer someplace, and you have a faith foundation, which began at home.
    You graduate from secondary school, attend college with similar successes as you have had in the past.  Your degree is in a career which will provide you with a secure future and comfortable income.  You meet someone, date, fall in love, become engaged, marry, and the cycle repeats for your children.  You are blessed  beyond your wildest dreams. 
    You live a content, fulfilled life, with many adventures and opportunities  You realize most of your goals and dreams, and you and your spouse are blessed with a long, happy, loving marriage, complete with a couple extra generations to enjoy before you die peacefully at a ripe old age, never having known serious illness or challenges.  You awaken from your death experience in the Kingdom of Heaven. 


    Sold! :)

    I'll just skip all of it and go to the Kingdom of Heaven. the end.

    3.5 GPA? I would be happy to be a hundred basis points lower.


    I am not sure if he meant expectation or expectancy.

    My medical encyclopedia says ---- In the abscense of disease, a baby born nowdays, can expect to live to about  85


    However , taking into account all the smoking , drinking, bad eating habits, etc, that sqews the statistic of 85 to about 75.

    No matter what age you are when you die it has never gone by slowly.


    I think you hit that one out of the park Ed!

    3 Score years and ten. (70). I thinks it says that in the Bible somewhere.

    3 score years and 10 isn't it

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