    why some people's minds are like concrete... all mixed up and permanently set

    +4  Views: 622 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Just keep in mind please that people you are reffering to may have the same "why" question about your mind...

    13 Answers

    That's the way they were brought up. They are uneducated and can't think outside the box.

    We all have our own moral convictions/philosophies. I believe, for example that being a pedophile is wrong. There is an organisation that promotes this disgusting behavior. (Nambla) My mind is set. No one could ever justified to me that this is acceptable.

    If on the other hand your debating what color to paint the bathroom walls, oh well.

    That's just the way it is.

    I agree takes mortar render them firmly.

    Funny ...people would never dare put garbage in their mouth , but have no problem filling their minds with it, time for a new batch of cement..perhaps a batch that don't harden..


    This is obviously the "read daren1". Stellar answer.

    tanks bobby yes it me..

    Brainwashed from the very start. They even start it at 4 years old these days.

    The possible answers (probably typed below)



    Mortar firmly render them



    I tend to think "uneducated" people might be more open to consider alternatives...?

    Another consideration could be life experiences.  Children learn what they live.  They may learn it is OK for daddy to backhand mommy if dinner isn't ready when he staggers in from the tavern down the street.  OR they may learn that he will never strike a woman for any reason or that she will never allowed anyone to strike her.
    All we really know is what we experience firsthand.  It would take a jackhammer to get some people to even LISTEN to a different possibility.

    I would like to give you a "CONCRETE" reason...but I was born "outside of the box"  and yes, I've been forced to learn how to "conform" when inside of the box- school, work, dealing with parents and a few friends...but I am only free and truly me when my brain is out side of the box!!!!

    I tend to give people like that a wide berth and continue on my way.

    Dont know about "Minds .Its better and cheaper than "BOTEX!! Last longer if you dont wash  your face !! "Oh mind use the right "Mix.


    The mind is like taping a movie on television.  When you play it back, you are going to see the movie that you taped.  No anything else.  Once a kid is programmed by his surrounding, upbringing, television, music, that it.   Often when we humans want to change something it requires therapy or exposure to some great situation, people, incident etc.  And its very hard for people to change, even the one's that know better.

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