    i want to get into the philipino government and put a lot of things right that are wrong and i want to be for the people NOT for myself i want to be able to give FREE health care, dentist care, road maintance, street lighting all exact as in ENGLAND were i come from i can do it all i need is the chance to be in the government WHO WOULD VOTE FOR ME ????

    +1  Views: 434 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Who's going to pay for all this? Suggest raising taxes and you'll be assassinated before your elected.

    ""Sounds familiar. Now where have I heard that before? England ain't doin' so good...

    "Hey .Pal you are behind  OBAMA.!! Putin" .You have "NO chance.Keep dreaming.

    As a land owner in the Philippines, I say, Good Luck!

    Is there a requirement that you be a citizen, and possibly born in the Phillipines? It would not surprise me if there was, as many countries don't care for outsiders to come in and take over their government.

    easy um you won't if you treat england good you'll get treated nicely

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