    In BOOKMARKS, how do I remove a bookmark when I wish? thank you, Linda

    0  Views: 541 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    Just left click on the blue highlighted answer and pick what site suits you for your individual PC.
    I know what you are going through, I had a similar problem many years ago, time is always with you.
    Good luck.

    1 Answer

    Selection of sites here.


    Dear Karma, I just got my first Mac Book Pro, thought it would be sooo easy since years ago I worked and even did graphics on the very first Mac "all in one". I loved this I hate this. I want to sell and even get a decent picture with a new Nikon I also know nothing about. God help me. This is just a stupid question. I tried to purge my bookmarks, and such a simple thing I thought. Not. So I had to register just to ask a question, and now, Karma, I can not find your reply. I recently had serious surgery and my head was hit hard, causing speech, typing, can't walk yet and my memory was really the worst. All is getting better, but so slowly, I could scream. Could you speak to me as if I were a 5 year old and tell me where your answer is. Oh, another affliction is I ramble on and on. So sorry. This question could have been condensed to one short sentence, I'm sure.

    OK, that's enough. I'm sure your answer is right at my nose, but can we try again, and if I still don't get it, is it ok to email answers? That would work, if allowed. Again enough. Bye, Linda

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