    why don't we leave with peace

    we all human we should take care of each other and grow togather.


    +5  Views: 850 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    That will happen when hell freezers over.

    and the devil is giving away free sleigh rides

    13 Answers

    Too many people being brainwashed by different religions instead of thinking for themselves.



    Best answer! TU to you.

    I tend to agree with you.

    There will never be peace. The quest for power and war by our governments will never end. Technology will eventually contribute to the end of mankind.

    When have humans ever lived in peace? Get real, we love killing those who are different. We will always be as we are today. Ain't hate great. Population control.

    Have you ever been angry with someone? Of course you have... And you've made another angry with you.   Anger is one of the most primitive instincts  humans have. Since the beginning of time and humankind, one against the other, usually for resources, although many other means will set off anger..  You can not remove this very element of humankind, it is built into us, probably as a survival tool.  Since man's beginning, we have fought to gain superiority using our hands as weapons to sticks and stones and now the threat of nuclear.   Without this anger instinct, we would all die. It is as important as love.

    Your question of 'why we can't live in peace' is a valid question but an immature one. We will never learn to live in peace, we can only be prepared to deal with aggression and protect those we love when aggression and anger attacks us. " being prepared for war is the best way to avoid war.." Turn your back on the enemy and he will stab you in the back.  You can not change the very soul of your existence. We are what we are-- There is no utopia.


    Well stated Vinny, go back as far as you like and mankind has always had the green eye of the little yellow God.
    Cavemen fought over important things like territory, women, food supply, hang on isn`t that what we are still doing?
    The Price of Peace is Eternal Vigilance.

    Too much Greed, Love and Hate rule most peoples lives.  Greed wants more --- Love can instigate jealousy, + instigate revenge. ----- Hate,  hatred by the have nots.              Is that cynical or is that cynical.

    We can"t and never will live in peace, there is hatred amongst people for racial, political and religious reasons, there is jealousy and greed  for the things we don't have but crave, the inability to accept those that are different in our eyes, like it or not we judge others in accordance to our own standards and values

    Leave with peace? You mean go away with peace in our hearts....................?



    No. I think he means "Leave with a Piece".
    What of,I don't know.

    It is part of our instinct to be selfish and to survive and with so much peace and love around that would surly run us over because with the good comes the bad.

    Beautiful sentiment...but, realistically I just don't see that happening. Maybe in ways, we are not so far from the caves, as we so kindly like to think of ourselves. We gain technology, and then just devise more efficient ways of killing each other with it. Mankind's history kind of says it all.

    Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Gluttony, Laziness, Vengenance

    Aahmed,I wish you well and I love that you perpetuate this loving Utopian view!!!Peace my friend and may you be blessed with every happiness!!

    It's not time to do so...yet.

    I agree. More poeple want peace than those who don't. Why the majority doesn't rule is beyond my comprehension.

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