    am in love with soneone so how could i know she love me ??

    +1  Views: 559 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    If she wants to be with you all the time, she loves you.

    Tell her how you feel. If she reciprocates, she'll tell you............

    Are you really in your 20's, sounds like a question a 10 year old would ask.

    Tell her how you feel and hope for the best........

    tell her you love for him


    I think you mean Tell her you love her. Then she might say I love you too.

    If she asks you to go to a movie with her, or wants to be near you all the time.





    Hey Guru, did you read the question? This is a boy asking about a girl, not another boy. Your advice comes from a very young perspective. You might want to consider a name change or at lead add, "in training" to it.

    #1 question to the posted question should be, are the two of them dating? It sounds to me like a case of puppy love. mccartney thinks he loves her and has to guess if she loves him. Not a close relationship if they are in one. No communication. Love is not the issue. The status of the relationship is. Are they together or not? Do they talk to each other? Are they old enough to be dating? All important and more so than just tossing "I love you's" around.

    Apparently you caught up with yourself and removed your "advice". Smart move ;)

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