    whats the definition of checking according to the aca's formerly fct's coating encylopidic dictionary

    0  Views: 426 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    1.Dating but not official. (not boyfriend/girlfriend)
    girl 2: how long have you been checking him out?
    girl 2: 1 month.
    girl 1: are you going to date him?
    girl 2: maybe.

    2. checking means going out, dating

    "Are you checking her?"

    3. "Checking" simply refers to indicating one's interest in acquiring something or seeing what it is all about. On hip-hop forums, "checking" is usually expressed in "im/im not checking for it" in terms of being interested in downloading and listening for the latest album from a particular artist. If you dislike a particular artist, you can let everyone know how disinterested you are by saying "im not checking for it" to indicate that even though you can download the album for free, its not even worth your time
    P. Diddy might have a new album coming out but hes wack imo, im not checking for it

    4. Observing and investigating, to lesser or greater extent.

    I'm just checking how to check out definitions without checking out of urbandic.

    5. talking about someone in a bad way
    aye craig was checking dude about his shoes that sh*t was funny as hell

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