    American Revolution

    Explain the roots of the American Revolution, and why it broke out in the 1770's?

    -What role did military action and political violence play in the course of the revolution / war of independence?

    -Describe the changes that Revolution brought to Americans. 

    -In what ways were the results radical?

    -In what ways were the results conservative?


    approx. 250 - 350 words. Use simple language so I can understand it better. Thanks! :)

    0  Views: 614 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Do you own study lazy bones.

    If you do not think it is worth your while move out but not to Australia.



    PS T I had answered until I saw all your other history questions so I cancelled my answers.

    I am here to ask for help not to have your comment. Yes I do ask for other history question because tomorrow is my final exam for history and this are just few questions that teacher gave for my guideline. I had the answers as well but I want to make sure what I'm doing is right by questioning the expert.

    This is not homework that I just copy paste from your answer and take it as my own credit. I study from your answer.

    Thanks for your nonconstructive compliment! that really helps!

    Bit late to be checking the day before the exam seeing as our answers can be a day later.
    Don`t you trust your teacher to give you the right direction?
    What school has a "final" exam in March?
    Me thinks thou doest protest too much. SPRUNG.

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