    The 3 point arc on basketball courts is it painted or tiles or ingrained on each board??????

    0  Views: 799 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Materials and Dimension
    Most indoor basketball courts are made of maple or some other hardwood. Outdoor courts typically consist of a mixture of asphalt and sometimes rubber or some other composite material. The basic indoor high school basketball court is 84 feet long and 50 feet wide. Professional and college basketball courts are the same width but longer at 94 feet. A junior high or peewee court is generally 74 feet long and 42 feet wide, but some junior leagues could be played on high school courts due to space considerations.

    Marking in the Lane or Key
    With the outside perimeters of the court established, the paint or key area can be lined in. No matter which court it is on, the dimensions of the key are always the same. The key is situated under the basket and extends out 15 feet from the front of the backboard. The key is centered with the backboard and is 12 feet wide. The key runs all the way down to the baseline under the basket and up to the free throw line. An arc six feet in radius runs from each end of the free throw line, with the top of the arc pointing to center court.

    Read more: How Basketball Courts Are Made |

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